ballpark timing....


New member
gonna put two 10# pork butts in the #2 for thanksgiving.... doing our Thanksgiving on Friday...

i plan to eat at 1 pm Friday - so they butts should go in the #2 at around 3pm Thursday if my temp is around 235 - 240??

i will take them to 195-198 end then pull double foil and throw in cooler with towels...

sound like a solid plan?
I would plan for 20 hrs to cook & 2 hour rest @ 225.  The added temp will reduce the time needed.
I agree with Walt. To be safe, I would put them in at 1:00pm on Thursday.

You can lower the temp to 140 and hold them until 11:00 if they get done early. Then at 11:00 pull them, double-foil and into the cooler with the towels.

I wouldn't go any higher than 235. I smoke my butts at 225 whether 1 or 2 and have never had a problem.

Are you brining? If not, I would.
Thanks Walt and Gregg... i have done numerous butts but never on a time restraint.

i always do them at 225 ish  but wanted to be sure they get done in time. i figured my time (22 hrs) based on 225 degrees.

i have never brined - they alway turn out good.

dont have a briner jr or anything. not sure about room in fridge.... ideas?
I have a couple of brining vessels that I use.

One is just a upright Rubbermaid plastic container. I use this for 7-9 pound butts as it holds about 1.75 gallons. Then I have a bigger 18Qt container that I got at a local Restaurant supply store for larger pieces of meat. I have to lower one of my shelves to fit it into the fridge. This is the container that I found locally, but can be had via Amazon:

Or if you really wanted to get serious, buy an extra fridge just for your smoking hobby. ;) I dream for that day. Then I would constantly be brining Buckboard Bacon, Canadian Bacon, Dry-Aged Rib Eyes, etc. I guess I can dream.
I echo the advice from Walt and Gregg.  With time constraints, always allow the extra time...2 hours per pound should work nicely, allowing 20 hours total.  The last butt I did at 235F finished easily under the 2 hour limit, and you can always lower the temp to 140 for a warm and hold if needed.  Always better safe than sorry on the variability of smoking butts!

I also brine every time.  I have a 2 gallon (I think) Rubbermaid container that holds a butt nice...this past weekend, I used it to brine two 5# turkey breasts and they fit perfectly in the container. 
thanks Steve ... so if i pull them around 10am - i can just hold them in a cooler also ( instead of smoker) double foiled and with a heavy towel or blanket.... until around 12:30 when i pull ?
Bob, since my single 10.5 lb butt took 25 hours in my #2 this weekend, I would allow additional time to be sure. I also doubt that 2 butts would make a lot of difference but it might.
A couple of points:
I agree don't go over 235 for a slow cook. The only time I go over 235 is poultry then I crank it to 250 and hope it runs hot.

Zip lock makes some huge bags that are great for a brine I use those bags in combination with a meat lug I got at GFS. It is an all purpose tub used for meat or busing dishes of tables in restaurants. It has a low profile, fits in the fridge and cleans up easy. I have also brined a lot of big pieces of meat in a 5 gallon igloo container, like teams mix Gatorade in. In hot weather I add frozen bottles of water in it. In winter months I just set the whole thing outside.

I would rather finish early than sit around and stare at a smoker, waiting for the correct IT.

Bob...if the butts are done at 10am, then yes, you could remove from the smoker and double foil wrap for 2 hours or so before pulling.  That would work fine, and I would put them in a cooler with towels to keep the heat in.
Great advice here, Bob (as usual)!  One suggestion on brining is to put them in a 2-gallon Ziploc bag; just be sure to put the bag in a large pan, just in case it breaks!  I've never had one break (on things larger than my Briner Jr. can handle), but there's always that chance!  My wife would kill me if I had a gallon+ of brine blow out in the fridge! :o :o

As a suggestion, try brining one and do the other one as usual - see if you can tell a difference (hint: you will).  Also, if you're going to allow 24 hours, use 225 for the temp.  It gives great results, and should be fine for that time frame.
Don't brine in the fridge if you can't find the room. Put the meat in a ziplock and place it on top of a bag of ice in the cooler.  Turn it easily. Works great.
thanks for the advice... i am going to give the butts 24 hours.... should be fine- i assume the 140 holding temp will not dry them out.???
For the amount of time you would be holding it, I don't think you are going to have a problem with it drying out.

Considering a 2 hour rest double-foiled in the cooler, I have feeling that you won't need to have the butts in warm mode for very long.