Baked Beans Experiment on the #3

RG 2.0

New member
Gents, this may be a failure but I am documenting it here :)

I have made my own baked beans for a while. Sometimes just doctoring up canned beans, sometimes making them from dry beans. Lately I've gotten where I just use canned beans because I'm just not that interested in pressure cooking beans and then adding the goodies to make them "baked" beans. So these days I start off with Pork & Beans and work on it from there. I've got a pretty dang good recipe I use but as always, I keep an eye out for something different.

I found a recipe called "Dutch's Wicked Baked Beans" that looked intriguing enough to try. In his recipe, he starts off with Original Bush's Baked Beans. Being that I am a tinkerer, I rebelled and used Pork & Beans as my base. From that point I followed most of his recipe but used less brown sugar and ketchup and added a little molasses and BBQ sauce and a little salt and pepper. Mixed it all up and added a little ground cloves and off to the SI it went with 2oz of cherry wood.

Here's what I've got in the smoker :

4 cans of pork & beans
6 strips of bacon fried mostly crisp and chopped up fine
2 seeded and finely diced fresh jalapenos plus 1/2 of a non seeded jalapeno finely diced
3/4 of a diced bell pepper
3/4 of a diced onion - sauteed in the bacon fat along with bell and jalapeno peppers^^^
1/4 cup molasses
1/4 cup KC Masterpiece BBQ sauce
1/2 cup Heinz Ketchup
1/2 Tbs Ground Mustard
Salt and Pepper
Pinch of Ground Cloves
8 oz can crushed pineapple
1/2 cup firmly packed brown sugar

We'll see if it turns out. I'm going to smoke them for about 3 hours. Hopefully they'll be edible. If not, chalk it up to a learning experience! Failure is the best teacher (at least that what I tell myself, lol)

Stay tuned for pics and the final verdict later!
All great recipes are probably spin offs of someone else's first efforts.  My "famous" beans started with Dutch's too but has changed several times now to suit MY tastes.  I think my current version has more sausage and hamburger by volume than the beans but there are never any left at the end of a party.  Good Luck!
I normally put pulled pork in my beans but didn't want to thaw out a pound to add to it I just went with the bacon.
Sounds like a great recipe. How did they come out? Do they come out with a smoky taste? I have been curious about both smoked "baked" beans as well as mac n cheese. Will have to attempt both in the near future.
Texan in Tulsa said:
Do they come out with a smoky taste? I have been curious about both smoked "baked" beans as well as mac n cheese. Will have to attempt both in the near future.
Smoky beans are almost undescribable.  They are smoky, silky and wonderful.  Mac & Cheese also turns out great. 
As promised, here is a pic coming off the smoker


Yes, they were definitely smoky. Next time I make them I will put maybe a little less than half of the pineapple in there. I used crushed instead of chunks because I didn't want chunks. I stand by that decision but it needs to be less pronounced I'd say. I also think I'd leave all the japs seeded as I couldn't notice any heat in these. I stirred the beans right after the pic was taken to distribute the smoke throughout. I do think it's missing something. Pulled pork would've helped a lot. I did go back and add some short rib meat to it to cut the sweetness and to add another flavor and texture element. I'll taste them again tomorrow after it mellows in the fridge.

With some adjustments, this will be a great side dish for burgers & dogs and BBQ.
In case you haven't seen my version, feel free to steal a couple ideas for your next batch if you feel like it.
I gave what I had away but I did taste the beans while divvying them up. They tasted better than when I made them. I ate them cold and they were tasty! I still think maybe a 1/3 of the pineapple is where I would like to have it and to use pulled pork in it along with the bacon. Not so sure about breakfast sausage being in there though, doesn't sound right in my head, lol. It might be the most delicious thing ever though Dave! I'll take your word for it! :P

I've made beans in the past with applesauce in it for a little "what's that I'm tasting" type of sweetener, with the pineapple you KNOW what it is, very recognizable. We can all experiment and find what we like, like DM says........
DivotMaker said:
Ain't experimentation fun??? 

Yep, sure is!
Thanks for your smoked beans experiment.  Would never have thought of trying that.  I will be trying out my wife's recipe this weekend.  Your posts are most enjoyable. :)
kt29 said:
Thanks for your smoked beans experiment.  Would never have thought of trying that.  I will be trying out my wife's recipe this weekend.  Your posts are most enjoyable. :)

Post the results! I appreciate the kind words ;)