Baby Backs


New member
I made a few racks of baby back ribs today. I smoked them at 235 for 5 hours. The ribs were very tasty with great bark, the ribs tasted a bit dry though. I started the smoke at 175 to slowly start the smoke. So I actually smoked them for 5.5 hours. I found in the past that if I immediately go to the cook temp the smoke seems to overwhelm the meat. Does anyone else ramp up to a lower temperature first and then after some period of time turn it up to the cook temp? I also put the wood in foil boats to prevent combustion.Thanks for the help!


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Hey Kal, good looking ribs!  I no longer "ramp up" the temp since I started foiling my wood.  I just go straight to 235 for ribs.  Did you use a water/juice pan, and did you open the door at all during the smoke?  Those two things can contribute to drier ribs, but sometimes it can be the meat.  Not all ribs are created the same (made by pigs, two racks at a time), so this may have just been one of those times...happens.
Hi Tony thanks for the reply. I used a water pan and no peek for the entire smoke. Next time I will go straight to temp, the foil boats work great, I never have flare ups or burping out the front door, nice slow smoke!
I'm still prefer the ramp-up method. But I don't foil my wood.

You basically need to pick one option but not both. Either ramp-up (I go 45 minutes at 140, then up to main smoking temp) without foiling, or straight to desired temp with the foil boats.
I did ribs today. 235 for 5.5 hrs no peek, peach wood foiled. mini loaf of apple cider next to smoke box. I had 3 racks of ribs on top three shelves and 8 potatoes on bottom shelf. Ribs were done and somewhat moist. There weren't fall of the bone which I want to get closer to achieving. The ribs I had were thick with meat (Sam's club ribs). Not sure if I need more time or switch to the 2-2-1 method to get more moist and near fall of the bone ribs... I'll have to continue experimenting.
Recommend time for next rib cook before peeking?  6 hours? 7 hours? I'm having a poker party this weekend so it will probably happen on Saturday. Also, I froze my my other double rack of ribs. How long should I thaw them in fridge before Friday prep for saturday smoke?  2 days? 3-4 days?
I think I would still check at 5.0-5.5, but then check every 30 minutes until they are done to your liking.

Are you going to be doing potatoes again? If so, I would put them above the ribs.

I smoked a Boston Butt for poker night one tome and it went over VERY well.
Forgot about your unthawing question. Two to four hours of hours in cold water in your sink should be enough to unthaw the ribs. In the fridge would be a good two days I would think.
Thanks Gregg! Do you think just moving the potatoes to top shelf would be enough to make them soft after 5 hours? At the bottom shelf they were pretty firm yet after 5.5 hrs.

I would try it without pre-cooking them and if they are too hard during your first check, put them in the oven to finish off. I think someone else suggested foiling, but I don't like foil on my potatoes because I love the chewy potato skin that you get when cooked unfoiled.

I am wondering that with 8 potatoes, they caused a heat sink and messed with the smoker temperatures that you were getting during your last smoke. With so many of the users saying that their potatoes are done without precooking, I am thinking that I would try them again without precooking. If they are too hard after this test, for future ones you will probably have to pre-cook them a bit. If they are too hard, you could always dice them and fry in a pan with some butter. Fried smoke infused potatoes sounds awesome to me.
The trick to speed up potatoes is to put them on skewers.  The heat gets transferred to the center via the metal. 
Tony, I agree with putting the taters up top.  8 potatoes in a #2 is a huge heat sink below the ribs!  Try some ribs without any sides in there, and see if you get different results.  I suspect you will... 

Edit:  I see that Tony started a new thread on this topic:

Let's continue the discussion there, instead of taking over Kal's thread.