baby backs what should the internal meat temp be?

When cooking ribs, it is best just to believe and smoke with time.

After 5 hours test with a toothpick, see my first rib smoke below!

There are a couple ways to cook the ribs. Some like the foiling method and many of us don't foil. I never foil and check after 4 hours for baby racks and 4.5 to 5 for St. Louis. I haven't brined my ribs. Not that much meat, but I'm sure it taste good as well.
You really can't get a good read on the IT of ribs with the bones, so as others have said, expect to go 5 hours or so at 225-230F and then check them.  When the meat is pulling back from the bones, then you are ready to pull them from the smoker and serve!  I don't use the 3-2-1 method - I just put them in the #2, shut the door and let them go, normally at 225-230F.  I take my ribs off at 4.5 hours and apply a healthy dose of BBQ sauce, and then put them back in the smoker for the last hour.  This is optional, but it's the way my family likes their ribs.
I don't do the toothpick test. I look for good pull back with the ends of the bones protruding from the meat. I pick up one end of the rack and see how flexible they are. The final check is grabbing an exposed bone with the tongs and giving it a twist. Though quite often I skip right to number 3 and twist the bone then unload the smoker. After a few batches you will recognize finished ribs easily.
I have been going 5 hours no peeking.  1st 30 minutes at 170, the remaining 4:30 at 235.  Top rack with a nice water pan.
Bart, the guys are definitely on it - can't get a good internal temp on ribs.  There's just not enough meat between the bones, and it will never be accurate.  Most of us rib folks smoke them by time, and "feel."  Once you do a few racks, you'll know the sweet spot with your smoker.  I still do the toothpick test, even though I know when they're done by looking at them.  If the toothpick goes in easy, that's signal 1.  If you can pull the meat sideways, away from the bone without breaking the toothpick, that's signal 2 that they're done!  If not, go another 20-30 minutes and check again.  With a little practice, you'll "know" when your ribs are just right!