Baby Backs over Memorial Day weekend


New member
Hi Everyone:
I hope everyone had a fun and relaxing Memorial Day!  Well, instead of St. Louis Spares as I stated earlier, I just went with some Baby Backs from Costco.  They looked very tender and meaty, and I just have always done St.Louis, so I wanted to try something new.  I have to say, I really missed my Model #2 over the Winter, and these ribs reminded me of what I was missing.  Nothing fancy.....just rubbed down with Texas BBQ rub, put in fridge for about two hours, and then into the smoker at 225 for about 3 hours.  Took them out and slathered with sauce and in for another hour.  My Auber just worked so well that I only varied about a degree in temp throughout the smoke.  I used Apple and and Hickory.  I need to take some pics of the ribs after they are cut, but we just devoured them :).    I believe it was a success.  Here are a few of the pics until they were served. 


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Ribs look great, but when you click on the photos they go off the screen. You need to resize them to 800x600 and that will fix the problem.

Wow, Gene, the ribs look great, but that sure looks like a LOT of wood for a rib smoke!  I'm about a 3 oz. guy - looks like you have enough for a Boston butt!  They weren't too smoky?
Hi Guys:

So sorry for the very late response.  It has been a bit hectic around my house. 

Noted, Gregg.  I will resize the pics next time to 800 x 600.  I did this with minimal tools at my disposal (i.e. just my phone lol).  But I appreciate the feedback.  No sense in posting pics if they are not useful :)

And Tony, yes, I do think the ribs were too smoky.  I don't know what the heck I was thinking, as that was way too much wood.  I didn't get any complaints, but I think my guests were just being polite.  I don't do ribs that often any more, so I went back to my notes, and I agree, 3 oz of wood is plenty.  This was probably about 6 or 7 oz, so next time I will ease up, but they still tasted very good, as the wood was apple and cherry mostly, so not as heavy as hickory.  I am planning on trying it again this coming weekend, to see if I can get back to perfection :)
I thought they might be, Gene!  Good thing most people are used to BBQ restaurants that tend to over-smoke! ;)