Baby backs for Thanksgiving


New member
I'm smoking 3 racks of baby backs (just under 10 pounds) for Thanksgiving dinner and I will be adding a few (5 or 6 small) spuds to one of the shelves. The meatier ribs will be under the less meaty ribs and I thought I would put the spuds on a shelf above the ribs.

I am curious as to where to place the temperature probe to get the most accurate reading of the box temperature. I have a Maverick ET-732. I've smoked meats before and the temp swings are sometimes quite significant. The meat has always turned out great, but it is hard to figure out what the temperature is doing in the box.

Also, I've always soaked my wood before adding it to the smoke box. Is this not a good idea?

I plan to use about 3 oz of wood. Is this about the right amount of wood?

I typically don't bother with any probes during a rib smoke. You can't really probe the ribs, and I don't really care about the temp swings and don't want to clean probes if I don't have to. So, I don't bother with my Maverick for a rib smoke.

If I were to put the probe in, I think I would put in on the bottom side of the Potato rack in the middle of the smoker.

We'll see what others think.
I don't know if it is optimal, but I always put the box therm on the top rack with the meat below it which keeps the probe away from the meat and the cord out of the way as well.  If you do put the therm probe on the shelf with the ribs, be careful that the probe does not come in contact with the meat...happened to me once and I got very strange temp readings until the meat warmed up!  For ribs and taters, I put the taters on the top shelf with the temp probe, but again, not to close to the probe.

3-4oz of wood is good for ribs, I would go closer to 4oz given the 5+ hour smoke.    I don't suggest soaking the wood; I have tried it on occasion without really seeing any benefit.
In retrospect, I agree with Steve that placing the potatoes and probe in the top rack is probably the way to go.
Don, no soak on the wood, and don't bother with the temp probe.  Just put the thick cuts on the bottom, and the thin ones and taters up top.  Set the dial to 235 and go with it.  No need to analyze box temp or anything on a rib smoke - just let that baby do its thing! ;D