Baby back ribs


New member
So, I did my first smoke on my new 2D this afternoon after seasoning the smoker this morning. I smoked a rack and a half of baby back ribs. I lightly salted the ribs using Kosher salt and used Memphis Dust recipe for my rub. I used 3oz. of wood, a hickory/ cherry mix. I placed a meatloaf pan with apple juice on the bottom next to my smoke box  Set my temperature at 230 degrees. I smoked them for 4.5 hrs. without  opening the door. At 4.5 hrs. I applied BBQ sauce and cooked for 20 more minutes. I was pleased with the taste of the ribs and the moisture level. Smoke flavor seemed just right. The ribs didn’t fall off the bone like I wanted them to. I checked them with a toothpick before applying sauce and they didn’t separate from the bone well.  I’m thinking I should have cooked them a little longer. Outside temperature was about 60 degrees but it was very windy this afternoon. Early in the smoke I noticed that when a large gust of wind would blow through smoke would stop coming out of the vent hole and come out at the bottom of the door. When this would happen the temperature would drop 4 to 5 degrees. I stopped the wind issue by shielding the smoker from the wind. Any thoughts on my cooking time being to short? When smoking ribs do I need to be worried about cooking them to long?
When smoking ribs do I need to be worried about cooking them to long?
The ribs didn’t fall off the bone like I wanted them to
First by all competitive and logical BBQ standards ribs that fall off the bone are overcooked ribs. A properly cooked rib will cleanly come off the bone without resistance when bitten not not be falling apart.

If you goal is a rib that is falling apart then, yes you didn't cook them long enough. Possibly not hot enough either. I go four hours at 250 without opening the SI. In the Ole' Hickory's I wet the ribs after three hours. The OH is a lot drier than my SI #3.

Raise your heat and cook longer if you want looser ribs.