Baby Back Ribs and Smoked Baked Beans


New member
I'm smoking two racks of baby back ribs today in the #3 and I wanted to try a different approach this time. 

I cleaned them up last night, added BBQ sauce as a binding agent (usually use mustard) and rubbed with Memphis Dust rub, wrapped and into the fridge for an overnight rest to 'get happy.'

They will go into the smoker today at 2PM with 2 - 2.5 oz of hickory, a pan of apple juice next to the smoker box and I will set the smoker to 235 degrees for 5 - 5.5 hours. I usually set to 225, however there are a few individuals who achieved great results and swear by setting at 235, so I am going to give it a shot.  Since we prefer our ribs with BBQ sauce, the ribs will get a good basting at the 4 - 4.5 hour mark, then back in the smoker to finish them off for the last hour.

I may even throw some baked beans into the smoker with the ribs.  Pics and results to follow.
Sounds like a good meal. I have had good results with beans, I put them on the highest shelf to not block heat from the ribs.
Thanks Brian. I was actually planning on putting the beans on the top shelf for the same reason.  It is the first time I am smoking beans and I may even add some bacon bits to the pan for some added flavour.
Sounds like a great plan, Tony!  I am doing 2 racks of ribs tomorrow with a couple baked potatoes.  I think I am going to give the beans a shot as well.    Might add some bacon, onion and green pepper just to spruce them up a bit.  Are you planning to smoke the beans for the entire 5 hours?  Let us know how you make out.
The ribs went into the smoker as 2:45PM on the second shelf from the top and the beans were place in a pan on the top shelf.  I added half a can of apple juice next to the fire box, 2 oz of hickory and set the temperature to 235.

Steve, since I don't want to open the door and lose moisture, I am going to leave the beans in the smoker for the first four hours and take them out when I am ready to baste the ribs with BBQ sauce.  I have never tried beans before in the smoker, however at this low temperature, I don't think the beans will dry out in that amount of time. I'll let you know how they turn out.
Unless the pan of beans takes up ALL the rack space, I'd put them under the ribs. I like the meat dripping onto beans, potatoes...

But if it is a tight fit, then sure, on top.

That would be a good job for an internal ambient temp probe, see what difference a pan of beans makes.
How did you make out, smokester?    I am doing ribs, potatoes, and beans today, probably starting around noon.  I read a recipe on the forum that called for 3 hours for the beans, but I like the idea of waiting until the 4th hours when I take the ribs out for some BBQ sauce.    I have the rib rack that goes into the center of the smoker, so the potatoes and beans will need to be on the top shelf.
Sorry for the late reply, it was a busy day yesterday as I was changing out an exterior patio door during my smoke while trying to finish before dark.

Ed, I took the beans out at just after 4 hours and they were crispy on the top layer, too much for my liking.  I would pull them out at 3 hours, just enough to absorb the smoke flavour, but not were they are over cooked.

Tony, the BBQ sauce I used was a store bought Chicken and Rib flavour I had on hand. I was working from home yesterday and then my friend showed up to help with the door, so I didn't have time to put something together from scratch.  But I do have to say, I prefer using mustard as a binder, I find that the bark was a bit dark for my liking.

As for the ribs, I was trying to seal the patio door and it was getting late, so I lost track of time and they were in the smoker for 5 hours and 45 minutes at 235 degrees. They were in for a touch too long and at 235, I believe that no more than 5 hours would be sufficient.  Although they were still tender and fall off the bone with just the right amount of chew to them, the bark was a bit dry on some parts of the rib.  Everyone loved them, but as you know, we are all a bit too critical of ourselves.


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Thanks Tony.  I had some left over which I had last night and there were good.  However, I would go with 5 hours if I were to to set the temp at 235.