Award Winning Chicken Thighs


New member
So, I stumbled on this recipe and tried it for the family. It was super good and my kids wanted me to make it every day. I did the brine overnight and then a couple hours in the smoker was all it needed. I need to find a better way to pin the skin tightly around the chicken or just remove the skin altogether. I think the thighs would cook fine without the skin. The coke infused thin BBQ sauce really was good.

Like some of the others that responded to that link, I was surprised by thee 1/2 cup of salt to 2 cups of liquid.  How did that work for you?

I'm like Dave, I can't believe an overnight brine, with that high of a salt content (especially on small poultry pieces) wasn't like eating a salt lick!  At a cup per gallon, parts only get 2-3 hours, for me, and are perfect.  Poultry takes brine a lot faster than beef or pork, so your results are amazing.  The only time I ever brine poultry that long is for whole turkeys.
It is a very salty brine, that's for sure. The recipe recommends brining for "at least 30 minutes or up to several hours". I think it would be fine, but I would stick to the lower end of the time recommendation, and no longer than maybe 1.5 hours.