

New member
Hello Auber Smokers. I am the proud owner of a #3 that hasn't even been broken-in. I have an Auber 1503 and am curious if the preset Bradley works on the #3 or should I run Auto Tune. I plan to tie the ends of the current temp setter so that the burner can run free on the PID.
Also what is the best temp to start smoking wood chunks and is it better to soak wood first?
Thanks for your thoughts.
Recommend to auto tune.

In addition I don't believe soaking wood is of any benefit.

You may want to search as some have bypassed the controller with the Auber connected.

Most important: welcome!
I didn't autotune.  I did bypass.

I would not presoak wood.  I have no issue getting a good smoke at 225.
Thanks for the response Q and rickne. I've checked on Auber forum for how to "bypass" but don't find anything. Can you tell me how you did it? Glad to be abord.
After re-reading your last posts I believe we are talking about the same with respect to bypassing. I have read the information from SmokinTex and that bypass was what I am planning. Will also go with smaller dry chunks of wood. Cheers.
Hi Bob!  Welcome to the best Smokin-It forum on the web!  We're glad to have a new member and owner!  Congrats on your new #3!!  Be sure to season that bad boy before smoking any meat in it.  When you have a chance, post something about yourself in the "Introductions" section.  We all like to know each other, and everyone is great about exchanging ideas and experiences.  Welcome aboard!

Thank you Tony, obviously the Moderator,
I will go to the Introductions site, but how does one post and open photos. Still trying to maneuver.
Thanks for the reply, Bob
SmokinTrojan said:
After re-reading your last posts I believe we are talking about the same with respect to bypassing. I have read the information from SmokinTex and that bypass was what I am planning. Will also go with smaller dry chunks of wood. Cheers.

If you have any questions about bypassing the controller, Steve and I have both done it.  Don't hesitate to reach out.  It's pretty simple. 

Using the Auber and bypassing the controller in the #3 makes for a perfect performing smoker.
Hey Rick, question for you.  After bypassing how hot can does it get, meaning if for whatever reason the Auber mis-functioned and got stuck on?  Does it get past the max temp of the insulation in the Smoker?  Thinking about doing it myself, but I also like the fail-safe of having it cut out at a certain temp with the analog thermostat.


Wik said:
Hey Rick, question for you.  After bypassing how hot can does it get, meaning if for whatever reason the Auber mis-functioned and got stuck on?  Does it get past the max temp of the insulation in the Smoker?  Thinking about doing it myself, but I also like the fail-safe of having it cut out at a certain temp with the analog thermostat.



Not sure.  I've never tested it to see how hot it would get.  I thought somebody said the box was rated up to 500 but don't quote me on that.  I have no reason to take it up over 300 degrees.  It will go to 300 and maintain it pretty easily. 

I will cook turkeys and chicken at 275 degrees.  I also like the ability to push a butt or brisket when I need to get it done at a certain time.  I'll kick it up to 275 or 280 to do that.  I finished a beef tenderloin in there at 300 degrees, after searing it on the grill.  I just like the flexibility of doing that and the being able to get a good consistent 250 degree heat source when needed.

Not sure how hot it would get.  It would be an odd situation to have the Auber get "stuck".  The Auber does have an alarm you can set if the box temp gets too hot. I also still keep a close eye on my box temps, just out of habit.
Here's my thoughts....

The temp will go up until so something melts!!!

Should the Auber fail, you will ruin your SI in my opinion...Here's my rationale ...

If it's stuck on, it keeps producing power in terms of Watts.
The thermal loss occurs in units of Watts through the walls, top, stack, bottom, etc.
Watts-In less Watts-Out determines the temperature rise the inside of your smoker experiences.

Now consider the insulation is very good, where it has a double walled container and high temperature fiberglass. Notice your unit is cold to the touch in most places? That's better than your household oven by far. Except at the very bottom or at point of heater element attachment... Those areas are a little warm but not scolding.

Let's just assume watts-out is negligible or zero for the simple calculation.

So if watts-in remains at 700 Watts and watts-out is zero.... The net add is always 700W ... Integrated over time is energy in terms of watt-seconds ... And alas the temperature will go up to infinity ( or in reality something fails first like wiring melts, heater element fractures from its own heat and opens up electrically....).

Hey guys.
Here's a link to mine trying to get to 350.

I'm confused by these two statements in that other forum post.  Sounds like it had no problem getting to 350 empty, but with Turkey it didn't reach 350, or did that just mean in 15min it had climbed to 315 due to the bird absorbing the heat / etc.  Am I reading or interpreting this wrong?

During Testing:
"I got my #3 up to 350 for two hours to clean and test."

During Turkey Smoke:

"At 2:00 PM, IT reached 140, so Auber changed temp to 350.
By 2:15 smoker temp was 315 and stay there for the rest of the hour."

I just finished my Bypass today and curious.  I did a 14-15lb bird last week and still enjoying the results.  White meat got a little drier than I hoped even after a couple day brining, but I think I should have bumped up the temp as it seemed to take forever (9PM to 6PM the next day @ 225 I think I used).


You are correct. 350 was not a problem empty.
However with the bird inside, the element stayed on for an hour and the oven temp only reached 315.
I am going to try again and set the program change at 130 and see what happens.
