Auber won't work in the cold


New member
It seems that my Auber will not work in single digit temps. A couple weeks ago I posted that I thought my element might be out but after further investigating it appears to be the Auber. After my original post I brought the #2 in the heated garage opened up the back checked my connections even put a new plug on the smoker since I shortened the cord I thought that could be it plugged it in and all is good. Yesterday I tried 2 racks baby backs same thing, this time I plugged it directly into the smoker and she lit,went back to the Auber....nope, I bypassed my stock controller so it won't control temps without the Auber, back in the garage took the back off went back to the stock controller,back outside put the ribs on and cooked em old school, no Auber, worked great 5 hrs. no peek perfect ribs. The day I thought it was the element the temps were single digits as well, just never thought the Auber wouldn't work in that cold, I know it will in temps in the 30's, soooooo it looks like I'm old school for the winter oh well less to hook up in -35 wind chills.....the joys of smoking in mn. winters!
Double whammy!  Freezing weather and an Auber doesn't like the cold. Well, it is essentially a computer, and they do not react well with freezing temps. But the smoker itself works well regardless of the weather. Sometimes 'old school' is the best school.
I am getting one for Christmas & will definitely add the rocket launcher.  You may be able to get a directional high wattage light and an extension cord and aim it close to the aiber while cooking in those low temps like you would a well pump in freezing weather.

The ribeyes have been too pricey to dry age lately, so I started a Bresola with a venison roast this morning.  2 weeks in a dry cure, then wash off and dry age for 4 to 8 weeks.  You know I will go the full 8.  Should be ready Feb 13.  Have you been doing any dry ageing lately?  I am going to start doing more cured meats.

Good luck with the Auber, Jim.
Walt please post your recipe and results of the Bresola in the Charcuterie section.What was your starting weight on the roast?
I wish I had thought of the switch when I was trouble shooting it's going to be analog for the next 4 months as we won't see 30's for a long time, at least not consistently, might do it soon if it isn't to difficult.

As far as the dry aging Walt just can't pull the trigger on 150 - 180 dollar hunks of beef, they are going up again for the holidays, been doing a lot of turkey and salmon but nothing compares to those 45 day ribeyes, after the 1st of the year will get one even though it will sting a bit.
I guess everything has its limits, Jim!  Wife and son were in Minneapolis this week, and the temps were bitter!  I guess the bypass rocket launcher switch is a must for those of you who brave the extremes in the name of Q!  What's amazing is how well the "stock" configuration will work, even in sub-zero conditions!  Not many smokers will handle that!

I know what you mean about the whole ribeyes for dry-aging.  I just can't lay out what they want, but hopefully the prices will fall a bit after the holidays!
This is why I like the Auber with the K-type thermocouples....I can keep it Auber itself in the house.

Sure wish they'd make a more sophisticated model with dual probes.

Actually, they do have such a PID but not a plug and play model.

I agree, Martin!  I love the k-probe model, but wish it was dual-probe!  It would be nice to keep the unit in the warm house during extreme-temp smokes!
Installing the rocket launcher tomorrow, the biggest job will be the hole, hoping to borrow a bit that will do the job, if not will just tough it out.
mnsmoker said:
It seems that my Auber will not work in single digit temps.
You're aware you have to heat the probe(s) in your hand before turning the smoker on? According to the manual, under a certain temp. (I don't remember what the temp is) the probe needs to be brought up to a certain temp.
Walt said:
  You may be able to get a directional high wattage light and an extension cord and aim it close to the aiber while cooking in those low temps like you would a well pump in freezing weather.
The first thing that came to my mind was mamas heating pad. 
Had an issue with this tonight as I was putting a boston butt in my #3 and temps in my part of Michigan are about 14 degrees at present.  I have the Auber gen 3 which I purchased with my smoker in May.  I keep my smoker in the un-heated garage when not in use and have installed the permanent probe.

So when I got ready to start smokin' I turned on the Auber it indicated the cabinet temp was "-H-" and the unit beeped. This did not bring the smoker on and all was at a standstill.  I disconnected the Auber, brought out the Maverick and figured I reached the point where the Auber would not work due to the cold.

After checking a little in the Owner's Manual it indicates if the Auber probe is at 14 degrees or colder the controller will not operate because it can't read a temperature correctly.  The probe has to be heated to at least 32 degrees as GeeBee indicated earlier in this thread.  By the time I read that, the cabinet and thus the permanent probe were more than warm enough so I set the Auber back up and we are running strong now. 

I do keep the Auber inside my garage and position the smoker just outside the garage door during cold weather or if we are going to have some form of precipitation.  Keeps the Auber about 10 degrees warmer and dry through the night.

So, don't give up on your Aubers.  Just make sure the probes are warm enough before you start.
Good point, Dean!  If you have a permanent probe, you could also put something hot on it before cooking, like a rice bag heated in the microwave, or hand warmer?  Just something to bring the probe temp above freezing.  Not sure that I've used mine, with the permanent probe installed, in below freezing temps, but I will definitely remember this!  Thanks for a good tip & reminder!
Man I am glad I read this... Very glad.

We are just getting cold temps again and if I see H then I know I'm too cold.

With the launcher rocker I could go analog for 5 min just to get things moving... Maybe get her up to say 50 degrees or something while I'm doing some prep work.
I know I will be attacking these cold weather smokes with the Auber a little differently now.  I'll probably try the hair dryer technique the next time around.