Auber won't control heating element w/ bypass switch - Programming???


New member
Tried hooking up the Auber 1500 for #3 last night to run.  I have installed permanent probe, bypass switch.  After reviewing posts again and pics, all is installed correctly.  I haven't been able to Auto Tune unit yet.  I believe it maybe a programming issue? 

The program I used was CO1 - 180 t TO1  2.0, CO2 - 235 F FO2 - 195, CO3 - 140  t tO3 - 30.0,  CO4 to CO6 - zero.  I am trying to smoke Boston Butt.  Plugged Auber in and get temp readings on both probes.  It was cold last night so I initially started with the stock controller (On 250) to warm the probes, after cabinet temp reached 160 I tried to switch it over to the Auber so I could goto sleep. Before leaving I noticed that the Auber immediately dropped 50 degrees in the cabinet temp.  Red smoke generator light was solid, Green Out light was solid then slow blink. I let it go for awhile and found the Auber not controlling the heating element.  Cabinet getting cold inside.  I switched back over to stock controller (flipped the switch), unit started heating up, smoking and both temp probes are working perfectly.  Green Out light stays solid. Red smoke generator light is off.  Any suggestions on why the Auber didn't start to control the heating element.  Should I reset to factory defaults? Or just try to do Auto tune before trying to use again?

I am smoking off the stock controller but have #3 plugged into the Auber to use temp probes..seems to be reading perfectly.  I have dial set at 235 and probes are reading exactly for cabinet and Meat temps going up and steady.
I don't have an Auber yet. But from what I know of them, I would not even think about smoking meat until I have done the Auto Tune.
Did you initially program your Auber before going outside or when you turned on the smoker?  I'm wondering if when you flipped to standard controller to warm the box if you lost your program.  A loss of power there would have had the Auber revert to the program that was in the Auber before you set yours.  Just a thought.
I did program before hooking it up to #3.  Auber is powered on as it is currently smokin my first butt through stock controller and Auber temp probes.  I also noticed that the red light on top of smoker doesn't come on when I flipped it into Auber control either.  It does come on with the switch flipped back to the stock controller. 
I did read that it may flicker back and forth when Auber is asking heating element to heat up.  This is another reason I believe it may be a programming issue / auto tune (needed) issue.
Even though these are factory set to a Bradley, shouldn't you get initial heat up even though I put a program of my own in?
I'm still new so don't know all the wiring but I wouldn't have expected the orange light to come on in Auber mode if you did a true bypass.  The SI lights and controls would be removed entirely. 
DKHack20 said:
Tried hooking up the Auber 1500 for #3 last night to run.  I have installed permanent probe, bypass switch.  After reviewing posts again and pics, all is installed correctly.  (1) I haven't been able to Auto Tune unit yet.  I believe it maybe a programming issue? 

The program I used was CO1 - 180 t TO1  2.0, CO2 - 235 F FO2 - 195, CO3 - 140  t tO3 - 30.0,  CO4 to CO6 - zero.  I am trying to smoke Boston Butt.  Plugged Auber in and get temp readings on both probes.  It was cold last night so I initially started with the stock controller (On 250) to warm the probes, after cabinet temp reached 160 I tried to switch it over to the Auber so I could goto sleep. Before leaving I noticed that the Auber immediately dropped 50 degrees in the cabinet temp.  (2) Red smoke generator light was solid, Green Out light was solid then slow blink. I let it go for awhile and found the Auber not controlling the heating element.  Cabinet getting cold inside.  I switched back over to stock controller (flipped the switch), unit started heating up, smoking and both temp probes are working perfectly.  (3) Green Out light stays solid. Red smoke generator light is off.  Any suggestions on why the Auber didn't start to control the heating element.  Should I reset to factory defaults? (4) Or just try to do Auto tune before trying to use again?

I am smoking off the stock controller but have #3 plugged into the Auber to use temp probes..seems to be reading perfectly.  (5) I have dial set at 235 and probes are reading exactly for cabinet and Meat temps going up and steady.

OK, Daryl, let's try to break this down a bit.  Gregg touched on an important point about not attempting a smoke until you've autotuned, and tested your bypass switch circuitry - especially an overnight smoke!  Let me address what I've highlighted in red, and we'll go from there.

(1)  Please do an autotune, per the instructions in the Auber section.  The Bradley program is really whacky in these smokers.

(2)  Disregard the smoke generator light - means nothing to us.  That indicates power to the funny-shaped plug on the back, that the Bradley guys use to power the smoke generator.

(3)  When you switched back to the stock controller, you were still running power to the smoker through the Auber.  You should have plugged the smoker into the wall outlet at that point.  The green light was solid because it was not providing power to the element - which proves it was working.  It was solid green because you took the Probe 2 reading out of the equation; it was putting out full-power to try and heat the smoker.  The element was now reading from the internal thermocouple, not the one from the Auber.

(4)  Absolutely!!

(5)  This would be a problem, had you not done a bypass.  If you run the Auber on a unit that has not been bypassed, you must have the controller all the way to 250.

The more I look at this, my gut is telling me you may have a problem with your switch wiring.  It just doesn't sound like it's performing as it should, with your setup.  One of the switch guys might better help with this one - I don't use one.  I know the Auber is providing full-power, when needed, because of my comments in (3) above.  So, re-check your switch wiring, or maybe even remove the wires to the bypass side of the switch and jump them (removing the stock controller and switch from the equation, completely), and test it with an autotune.  If it works right, then you'll confirm it was the switch wiring.  If it doesn't, we'll figure out what to do next.  Sound fair?
Thanks Everyone for the comments.

Tony some comments to your 1 - 5 red highlights. In case this will help others.
1)  I will Autotune unit to see if that helps.
2)  I figured this was the case because of the Bradley programming.
3)  I still had the smoker plugged to the Auber and the stock controller on around 235 with both the probes attached.  This will be confusing --- but what I found out was that the Auber unit would not let the smoker go past 235 because I turned up the dial all the way to 250 and it didn't seem to be getting hotter. (Assuming because of the program I set at 235)    I then decided to unplug the smoker from the Auber and plug directly to wall outlet.  Smoker immediately got hotter and I left the probes and Auber plugged in (to other wall outlet) to see the temps.  Auber immediately started reading cabinet temps hotter and meat warming as well.  I had to turn off the Auber temp alarms because the cabinet temp kept rising.

4)  Will Auto tune before running again.

5)  Will double check the switch wiring but I know I have it installed just like the wiring diagram posted by RickNE and as in some of the pics others have posted.  Might possibly be a bad switch though??? (I'm not electrician)

Also -- just confused because the Auber didn't try to turn heating element on when plugged in upon initial startup but was reading temps.  Hence the switch back to stock controller.

I thought I would post to help others in case they run into problems as well.  The best thing of all was that I was able to finish my Boston Butt and enjoy wonderful BBQ.  Will update when I get a chance to double check everything and Autotune.



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    1st Boston Butt.jpg
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Well the motto of the story is -- ALWAYS CHECK YOUR WORK.  I failed to notice that when putting the wiring of the switch back together that I accidentally put the white power lead for the Auber on the same side as the black wire.  I have now fixed the wiring problem and completed the Auber autotune.  Reading for the Autotune are P=84, I=609, D=152.    Seems to work fine now.

Do be hasty and always check your work.  Hope this helps same others problems in the future.
Now onto smoking some chicken thighs.
Daryl, just saw this post and the symptoms you were talking about said "switch issues" to me. For future reference, if your bypass switch is done right, on bypass you will get a light and no manual controller effect when you go to off. Basically if the controller is doing anything with the smoker plugged into the wall without the Auber, your wiring is wrong/defective.
DKHack20 said:
Well the motto of the story is -- ALWAYS CHECK YOUR WORK.  I failed to notice that when putting the wiring of the switch back together that I accidentally put the white power lead for the Auber on the same side as the black wire.  I have now fixed the wiring problem and completed the Auber autotune.  Reading for the Autotune are P=84, I=609, D=152.    Seems to work fine now.

Do be hasty and always check your work.  Hope this helps same others problems in the future.
Now onto smoking some chicken thighs.

Nice to confirm when my "gut" is right! ;)