Auber related questions


New member
I have had my little guy smoker for a few months now and have done maybe 8-10 smoke with great results. I am very happy with my purchase as is.

Since I am a gadget junky and my wife wants to know what I want for Xmas and the Auber has kind of been on my list of nice to haves. I am thinking of having her pick one up with the permanent probe.

I have a couple questions.
1) I have read the install instructions on the permanent probe mount. I was wondering if it’s possible to mount without removing the back skin. Not that doing that is a big deal. I was wondering if I could just drill a 5/16 hole through the inside and outside skin as an option? Then pass the probe through and just have the inside nut on the inside skin and the outside nut on the outside skin in the back.  I guess if the probe isn’t threaded long enough that’s not an option.

2) Not sure if I will do the bypass of the onboard analog temp controller or not.  Again doesn’t look like a big deal to do it. But if I didn’t bypass the onboard temp controller would I just then set the temp to max on the stock dial and then plug into the Auber and it would still work off my Auber program temp? I think I have gathered from reading if I do things that way I won’t be able to get the higher temps. Not sure I really need them anyway.

Just trying to consider all options before I purchase my latest gismo.

Thanks for any feedback in advance.
Bob, the probe base isn't long enough to go through both walls.  There's about 2" or so of space between the back wall of the smoker and the back cover.  Also, you want to make sure the insulation and wires are out of the way before drilling - sure wouldn't want to drill through a power wire!

As for the bypass, I'd recommend doing it while you have the back off.  Very easy, and puts the Auber unit in complete control of the element (no "middle man").  It's my belief that keeping the stock controller in the loop between the Auber and the element creates an extra point of failure, and may influence the efficiency of the Auber.  You can also mount a switch to cut out the stock controller, or use it.  I don't have a switch, I just use the Auber all the time.

Hope this helps!
Yes sir that surly answers my questions.

I will pull the back and install the probe and route the probe cable through with the power cord and jump out the analog control. Like you said if I am going to open it up I might just as well do both when I have it open.
I kicking around the idea of a double pole double throw toggle switch in the circuit so I could use it stock  with the analog control, or  with just the Auber controlling it. This one look like it would do the job. But also wondering if I should just take the KISS approach and jump it out like you said.

Thanks again.
Bob, nothing wrong with the switch idea.  I know of one case where someone had an Auber probe go bad (the drop-in type), and had to reconnect his stock controller to cook.  But, I think that failure is not likely with the wall probe.  The drop-in probe can fail for a couple of reasons:  First, getting water inside it when cleaning, and secondly, letting it get too close to the smoke box in use.  Both of those points of failure are eliminated with the permanent probe.

Never hurts to have a backup, but I haven't had a single problem with the bypass/permanent probe setup, and my smoker is used a lot.
Did my first smoke with my new Auber today. Very unhappy and unimpressed. After auto tuning, when I began the smoke... I never got any smoke!  Auber kept turning on and off the heating element every other second so it never got hot enough to heat the wood enough for smoke.  After a couple hours, I turned off the Auber and restarted it to bump up the temp..  Went up but still no smoke for same reason.  Finally, I unplugged smoker from Auber and used the Auber as I would the Maverick and plugged the smoker directly into the electrical plug. 

I'm going to retune again and give it one more shot. But,if that doesn't work, I'm sending back the Auber.  My SI3 works great without it. I paid $200+ for the Auber and it seems like a waste.  Glad I bought both cabinet sensors to make sure I liked it before installing the permanent sensor.

Anyone have any suggestions/comments?
Libo - Please keep discussions to one thread.  Since you've asked the question here:

Let's please keep it to your new thread, which is more appropriate.  Thanks for understanding!  We're here to help, so you'll get more replies if we keep it to your new thread.
Just received my #2 and Auber. I decided to add a SPDT switch in the circuit to allow using the standard thermostat if you wanted. My logic being that my wife might decide to use the smoker and I don't see her trying to learn the controller. I would hate to miss a good meal over this, so with this mod you can either. Eatin good in East Tennessee.   



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Welcome, Big G!  Head over to the Introductions section, when you have a minute, and tell us about yourself!  We like to get to know our new friends! 8)
Thanks for all the input from everyone, @old sarge thanks for the video I will use it for reference.

I pulled the trigger on the Auber and probe today, plus I bought a switch and standoff for a spacer from Amazon see links below. I know I will put the probe in for sure, not totally sure yet on the switch but I wanted to have it in case I decide to drop it in the circuit while I have the back off the smoker. I can see some limited value in a switchable bypass arrangement. I got the closest sized spacer I could find I might have to grind it down a bit on the bench grinder or put a washer on each end I guess I will figure that all out on the fly when I install it.

Standoff spacer

Thanks again for all the assistance.