Auber Education


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I'm intrigued and a little confused by this whole Auber thing. I've read most of the posts here but, I guess I just don't really get it. I'm a fan of tools, gizmos and gadgets but still can't decide if I really need an Auber.  I have an SI#2 and I use a Maverick thermometer to monitor my smoker and meat temp and food is coming out good. What's the major benefit of using an Auber? If it makes a big difference then I'm sure I'll probably buy one since I don't want to miss out on anything, but if it's no big deal then I won't waste the money. Just looking for info.
Tim, speaking for myself I like the ideal of a consistent temperature. Without the Amber, I had swings of 30 degrees in either direction. I set the auber for 235 and it has never failed,  + or - 1 degree. Again for me it was one of the better purchases.

Tim, I think the Auber potentially does three things for you;
1. Holds temperature swings to a very narrow range. As a practical matter this does not seem to improve smoking outcomes.
2. Automates changes of smoking temperature. If you ramp up your wood temperature(I generally don't) the Auber will automate this. I do find the Auber useful for its ability to go into a holding temperature once the food hits its designated IT- no need to babysit the end of a smoke.
3. If you by-pass the stock controller to smoke at temperatures over 250 you will need an Auber. I'm doing a switched by-pass this weekend so I don't yet have a view on how useful this will be, but I smoke a lot of chicken so expect to use this feature.
Hope this helps-as with everything on this forum we all have our opinions.
Thanks for the responses. I'm still on the fence as to whether or not to get one. I'll probably hold off until I ruin a piece of meat then panic and buy one :) appreciate the feedback as always
+1 to what Roger posted.  You have up to 6 programs you can set to do different box temps, times desired, and internal temps, as well as shutoff or holding at a given temp.  Once your unit is dialed in it really is set-and-forget.
It all sounds very complicated, but after you have the unit in hand and play around with it a little it is not confusing.  And the temp consistency during whatever program you have set is really worth it.
Doing the bypass is not difficult and the permanent probe installation is well worth the effort.  Additionally,  Tony and the other forum members are very helpful with any questions or problems along the way.
Would I purchase one again?  Yes.

As folks know, I'm a big fan of the Auber PID.  Do you have to have it to make great Q?  No!  The stock analog controller does fine, and I've smoked a lot of meat with it.  The temp swings are part of it, but it will "average out" to your desired set temp.  If you're happy with the results from the stock controller, and don't desire a higher level of control and accuracy, keep it as is.

But...if you are like a lot of us, who like a degree of control you can't get with the stock controller, then I highly recommend the Auber.  To me, it takes the Smokin-It from being a great smoker to being a phenomenal smoker!  Here's what I really like about the Auber:

1.  It gives accuracy of set temp within 1-2°.  No more swings!

2.  You can set 6 separate "steps," so customization (and automation) of your cooking profile is super easy.  I really like this when smoking things like Canadian bacon, where I change the smoking temp 3 times during the cook.

3.  I can go higher than 250.  I don't use it that often, but it sure is nice when I want to!  Having options is good.

I would like to present you with "cons" to the Auber, but I really can't.  In my world, there is no downside, or dislikes, about the Auber!  It works, and gives me the control I desire, and options for temperatures that the stock controller can't.

Hope this helps!
Thanks again for all the info. Definitely has me thinking. Of course I would like to be a phenomenal smoker so this will probably happen
This past weekend I smoked a 6 lb turkey breast with my SI3. I have the standard controller right now. The temperature swung between 215 and 235. No problem with that. I understand that's normal but after 4 hours the meat probe temperature stalled at 153 and stayed that way for 30 minutes. During that time I tuned the controller dial all the way up and the temperature only got up to 139 and the meat temperature never budged. I verified the temp with a second probe and it was at 153. It was getting to be dinner time so I took it out and finished it in my oven.

My first smoke was two racks of ribs several weeks ago and the average temperature was around 205/210. After 5 hours I ended up taking them out and finishing those in the oven wrapped in foil

1) Is this normal?
2) would an Auber help this?
Hey Tim,

Being a tech guy I thought about buying the Auber when I first bought my smoker. But as I continue to turn out great product without one, I have decided to pass on it. When I used a more traditional smoker it also had temp swings.

I guess its a personal thing, I know for the most part folks that have them love them. But for me this is just another electronic item that at some point will break and need replacement.

For now at least I have decided to use the smoker as intended and built the Lazy Q way!
I think the temperature control is the hook that most think about when getting an Auber.  But having a smoker that can be left unattended for an infinite duration of time is my biggest advantage to having one.  I don't think any of us with previous smoking experience would have ever thought it was possible to put meat in the smoker, get in the car, drive away and come back 20 hours later to a perfectly smoked piece of meat.  It makes your smoker a variable crock pot. 
SuperDave said:
I think the temperature control is the hook that most think about when getting an Auber.  But having a smoker that can be left unattended for an infinite duration of time is my biggest advantage to having one.  I don't think any of us with previous smoking experience would have ever thought it was possible to put meat in the smoker, get in the car, drive away and come back 20 hours later to a perfectly smoked piece of meat.  It makes your smoker a variable crock pot.

Heck I am amazed that I can just put the ribs in and walk away knowing that I have 5 hours and don't have to check every 20 minutes. I can see with Auber it gives you even more control.

Smoke On!
