Auber and issues


New member
Trying to get consistent results
Using a model 3 smoker with 1800 watt Auber

Autotuned the Auber at 225

Let it run almost 24 hours with a dummy load of dirt water and a brick

See attached file with output

Temp at 225 typically 215 to 225

Changed temp to 235 and closer to 225

Not sure why no data shows up on the earlier times

Smoker ran on a hot day and was not opened during the entire on period

I accept that temp variations are probably no big deal but that was the selling point of the Auber, ie minimal temp changes

I am not sure how to interpret the data but it appears to me the gadget is running at 100% output virtually all the time. Don’t know if other parameters are changing and not in the data set

My questions are

Is this as close as it gets to maintaining accurate set temps
Should I expect better ?
What else to do to trouble shoot if not working as expected


You may have overdone the dummy load. There are a couple of hints and tips from years ago that talked about using a brick OR a loaf pan of damp/wet sand. Not sure what you meant regarding dirt water.  Try just the brick or damp sand. Also, see this link for settings:
I would expect a little tighter control.  Try the settings in the link I provided and see if that helps.  If not, contact Auber.  One other item to consider, make sure you have the analog control set to the highest temp otherwise the two controllers will fight each other.