Arber on 3D flashing END ??


New member
Well, Happy Thanksgiving everyone  :)
I purchased a 3d smoker in June of 2016. I have smoked with it 6 or 7 times since then. Its been about 3 months since I used it. I store it under a large covered patio that is open on three sides and it has an OEM cover on it 100% of the time. I also have an OEM cart mounted under it that keeps the bottom of the smoker about 24 inches above ground level.
This mourning I had a couple of wild turkey breasts I wanted to smoke for today's meal. I got the smoker set up, turned the Auber on and it's locked. I didn't even know it would do that. I was finally able to get unlocked after about 15 minutes. I programmed in my smoking temp and then the cut off temp for the meat probe. When I plugged in the meat probe into the Auber it starts flashing END END in both screens. Another message I had never seen before. I unplugged the probe and the Flashing "END END " stopped. So I cleaned the plug end of the probe really good. Plugged it back in and Flashing "End End" reappears. So I start cycling the power on and off. Waiting 5 minutes then 10 minutes then 20 minutes before turning the power back on. Finally, the 'END END" message went off and the 3D started to heat up like it should.
Can anyone explain what is going on with my 3D Auber and if there's a way to clear these messages? A smoke that I planned to take between 3 to 3 -1/2 hours is now an hour and a half behind and my wife is  >:(
My 3D is absolutely the best smoker I have ever used bar none. I had smoked previously on a stick smoker for 20 years and the 3D makes smoking actually enjoyable.
Thanks for any insight you can provide to help me to understand what is going on with the Auber. Everyone have a great turkey day!!!
Well, It looks like I discovered what was causing my " ENE END" message to flash. I went back out to check on my smoke and the "END END" message was flashing again. I unplugged the probe and cycled the power switch and the message cleared. So I reprogramed the Auber to remove the meat temp from C-4 and the 3D is back to cooking normally again.
So I'm thinking one of the wires on the plug end has come loose or shorted out somehow. I go to unscrew the outer cover of the plug to inspect the solder joints and wires to check them. Some ASS had used red locktight on the treads. Which I really don't appreciate! All the solder joints looked tight so I grab my ohm meter to check for a short. Everything checked good so the issue must be on the meat end of the probe.
This is literally the only the fourth time I have used the probe. When not in use it stays stored inside a heavy duty quart size ziplock baggie inside the smoker. It is very disappointing to purchase a product as high a quality as the 3D is and to have a part that has barely been used fail. If the truth is known its probably some more Chinese made junk that this country has been invaded with over the last 20 years.
  I was giving seriously considering ordering a 2D smoker as a gift for my parents next month for Christmas this year. Now I am having second thoughts. If I order another meat probe for $50 am I'm I going to get less than half a dozen smokes out of that one too???
I have had mine for 5 years and just replaced my 1st meat probe last week. I bought 2 so i would have a spare. Call Steve he will replace it.
According to Auber, the flashing END END means cooking is complete.  Obviously it had not even started.  Auber recommended in their troubleshooting guide to cycle the controller off, then on to reset or start a new program. That you have done.  If all is well, then it is time and patience lost.  If the controller malfunctioned again, during the cook, give Steve a call or send an email.  He may be able to help.
HH - not necessarily the meat probe.  The sockets for these probes are lousy for making a good connection.  Sometimes just unplugging the probe and making a firm plug in makes the difference. 
These stories make me feel good about having an analog #2. While I do have a separate Auber, I rarely use it. Good luck!
I queried Steve regarding this issue. The original probes are sensitive to water so care must be taken when cleaning to ensure water does not get into the connection at the probe end where the cable enters the probe. This has been discussed in the past. If there is any moisture a hair drier should dry it out. New probes are being developed.
This thread is about a year old. But since my original issue continues and I have not been able to resolve it. Steve recently sent me a new meat probe, YEA !! I plugged the meat probe in and the END-END message flashes again. So I'm thinking the chance of a brand new probe being defective is extremely low. What now?? I have only used my 3D twice in the last year due to this problem. Is this a common issue with the digital controllers. Where do in go from here? My 3D has less than 10 total smokes on it. Is it possible to uninstall the controller and send it in somewhere for repair?
Doug,  Get in touch with the folks at Auber. They should be able to help.  In answer to your question about the END-END  flashing, no, it is not a common issue.  This might help:
Thanks, Old Sarge, At least I have a direction to go in to try and resolve this issue. Its a shame the Arbors have so many problems! They make smoking a real joy when operating correctly ;D
The few times I had a problem it was fat fingers and poor eyesight.  Somehow I would skip a step instead of nulling it out. 