Anyone have experience with these Mavrick Temprature probes?


New member
So with my new little guy, I picked up a Mavrick ET-732.

Seasoned the smoker, then threw some salmon in running the smoker temp around 190. I stuck the food probe in the thickest part of the salmon and after 45 minutes the Mavrick was registering the Seafood at 150 degrees. Thinking that cant be right, I quickly opened the smoker to investigate, and sure enough it was still very raw. I swapped out the probe with the spare they give really fast and it still registers around 150 degrees.

It's been running about 3 hours right now and the food probe bounces around 147 and 153. So I don't know what to believe anymore. I even took one of the probes and did the boiling water test, and it registered fairly accurately.

I've heard that some folks have had inaccuracies with these Mavricks, and I'm wondering if maybe I just got a bad unit, or am I just doing something wrong?
I hotsmoke salmon @ 180 & it usually takes 45 minutes to 1 hour to reach an IT of 135 (moist & flakey). Can't help with the Maverick.
Take the salmon out. Like Walt, smoking salmon at 190 (I use 180) usually takes less than an hour (or up to 1.5 hours depending on thickness, etc.) to reach 135 internal temperature. If you are going on 3's more than done! Your probe sounds correct... registering the internal temp at 150 after 45 minutes smoking at 190. First of all, 150 IT is too high. What is your judgement of "raw"? Everyone has ideas of what "cooked" salmon is. 135 is my recommended temp, but I often go only to 130. It might seem raw, but salmon will continue to cook after you remove it. Take it out, let it rest. If after resting, if it still seems raw, it's got enough smoke. You can add cook to it by putting back in the smoker, or putting in the oven, or in a pan. But I'd be surprised if it didn't flake without additional cooking. Properly cooked salmon should just barely "flake", and should be soft and juicy, not firm.

Yeah the meat just looked very raw, but then again this is my first time smoking fish...So it's a learning experience.

It was a bit overdone after the 3 hours. (Still very tasty)

I think next time I'm going to smoke at a lower temp and try again.

Appreciate the advice!
I agree with the Thermoworks recommendation. Their products are pretty reliable. I cooked salmon this weekend on a grill (away from home) and was very careful to not overcook it. While a little to the rare side, everyone said that it was the best salmon that they had ever had. IMO, overcooked salmon is just not good (same with Tuna and most seafood).