Any suggestions?


New member
Hi, I bought  a chef alarm, and the new thermo pen from- thermoworks  to monitor  the internal  temps.  At the time I didn't  realize  I needed an probe to check accuracy  of the box temperature.  I just assumed  whatever temp the Auber showed  would be correct.  So now that I understand  I need a temp probe to monitor  the box temp what  do you guys like to use? From what I understand  i can order a box temp probe from thermoworks  for my chef alarm, but I can only use one probe  at a time, either the box temp probe or the I.T. probe. So I'm thinking  I need a dedicated  probe for monitoring  box temps only?
The Maverick is probably your best and most economical choice.  It will give you the box temp and an additional probe for monitoring IT when you have multiple cuts of meat smoking.  Do you 'need' to have an additional probe to monitor box temp?  Maybe for initial peace of mind to verify the Auber is doing it's job but other than that, I would say it is a personal preference.  Entirely up to you. I have had my 3D since FEB and have yet to throw in another probe to check box temp. 1:  I am lazy and 2: the smoker works fine and food is done within established cooking times.  If there comes a time when I question the Auber, then I will check with an additional probe.
old sarge said:
The Maverick is probably your best and most economical choice.  It will give you the box temp and an additional probe for monitoring IT when you have multiple cuts of meat smoking.  Do you 'need' to have an additional probe to monitor box temp?  Maybe for initial peace of mind to verify the Auber is doing it's job but other than that, I would say it is a personal preference.  Entirely up to you. I have had my 3D since FEB and have yet to throw in another probe to check box temp. 1:  I am lazy and 2: the smoker works fine and food is done within established cooking times.  If there comes a time when I question the Auber, then I will check with an additional probe.
Good point there Sarge!! And I want to thank you for your service!!
Laura, you don't "need" an additional probe to monitor box temp.  The wall-mounted box sensor is quite accurate.  You're referring to a case where the box temp wasn't getting up to set temp, not that the box was different than the display.  The Auber-designed probe and controller measure temperature as accurately as any after-market thermometer I've seen.  But, like Dave said, personal preference.  If I set mine to 235, and my pork butt is done between 1-2 hours per pound, I know the box temp is fine.  Sometimes folks get a little "over-analytical" when it comes to monitoring box temp.  Just my 2¢... :)
DivotMaker said:
Laura, you don't "need" an additional probe to monitor box temp.  The wall-mounted box sensor is quite accurate.  You're referring to a case where the box temp wasn't getting up to set temp, not that the box was different than the display.  The Auber-designed probe and controller measure temperature as accurately as any after-market thermometer I've seen.  But, like Dave said, personal preference.  If I set mine to 235, and my pork butt is done between 1-2 hours per pound, I know the box temp is fine.  Sometimes folks get a little "over-analytical" when it comes to monitoring box temp.  Just my 2¢... :)
OK tony thanks for explaining  that. 2 more days till I finally  get to use it, I'm so excited 😊
Laura, a lot of things will be more clear to you, once you start using it.  Right now, you're dealing in the unknown.  The wait is the worst part!  Once you get to smoking, you'll see sometimes we get a little to analytical, and overthink things.  Just season it, and get some meat in there to smok! :)