Any chance?


New member
Is there any chance the smokin-it ownership might consider a trip to Texas
any time in the near future? Lots of home shows and gun shows
around these parts. I know you would sell alot of
smokers down here. Just askingšŸ˜
Man, I'm still trying to get Steve to come around NW Arkansas! :(Ā  He does the hunting & outdoor shows up in Ohio, Michigan and Kentucky, but that seems to be it - at least for now.Ā  Maybe, as the company grows, we'll get him to branch-out down here! ;)
Maybe a winter trip to Naples FL. I just checked the 10 day forcast and the lowest temp is expeted to be 54 FĀ  8) lol
54 sounds pretty good right now, Ralph!Ā  Even in NW AR, it's supposed to be single-digits the next couple of nights! :o