Any Bikers here?

RG 2.0

New member
I know we all love cooking and smoking but do any of y'all ride? Years ago I was into Dirt Bikes but haven't had one in a LONG time and sometimes wish I had an enduro to go offroad with.

For years my wife has talked about us both getting a motorcycle. Sometimes she would talk about dirt bikes, other times she talked about street bikes, lol. She had seen other ladies riding Harleys and whatnot and has just always had it in the back of her mind that she wanted a bike. I never put much stock into it as it would always pass. Recently it has been the topic of discussion again as she has some friends on Facebook that ride and we have some friends that we met through other friends that both ride so.......guess what? Now she was more convinced than ever that she wanted a motorcycle.

As luck would have it, one of those friends has been wanting to get into outdoor cooking and when he would come over for the Falcons playoff run to watch the games, I would always cook something and he's very interested in my grills, so much so that I offered to sell him one of my kegs. He seemed interested so I reached out to him over the weekend and asked if he wanted it, I told him I was looking to get a little money up to buy my wife a bike. He then told me that his girlfriend has an unused bike in the garage "getting in the way collecting dust" thing led to another and I got a STEAL of a deal on a bike for her. It's not a Harley but it is a nice bike. It's an '07 Honda Shadow and she loves it! Low seat height and light enough that a lady can ride it easily.

Here's her bike, black and chrome like she wanted :)

Picture is not that good, taken with my crappy phone but you get the idea.

The cool thing about this is that not only does she get a bike, I am getting one too! She wants us BOTH to ride, lol. So I'm not really a laid back, arms in the air, sitting low type rider. I like to be be more "up" so I picked out a bike I've wanted for years. It's kind of old school, some get it, some don't. I chose a Yamaha V-Max. It's a bike that has enough power and torque to pull both of us through mountains if we chose to just take one bike plus I like the way they look, lol. I have yet to take delivery, I am going Friday to pick it up and I can't wait!


We had gone up to the local Harley dealership to check out their bikes, she was interested in an 883 Sportster but for about half the price, I got a bike for both of us with very low miles on each. Plus I didn't have to take out a loan and make payments so I like the route we chose better!  I told her that this bike was going to be her Valentine's day AND birthday present (her bday is in March) and mine would be MY vday and bday present, lol.

I am going to sign us up for a 3 day riding course that will also get us our "M" endorsement on our license plus save us on insurance. I am looking forward to putting down some back country roads and sight seeing with her. We are both excited!

One last thing for me to brag about on my wife. She is a sicko like I am when it comes to grills/smokers. She told me Saturday "I want a Weber". So we go to Lowe's Sunday morning, she sees the 22" Performer and we came home and ordered it, it'll be here today. She wants to cook bacon wrapped shrimp and filet mignon on it for me for Valentine's Day Dinner! Wow! I am blown away by this woman! She's the best thing to EVER happen to me, I married WAY out of my league. God is good and I am so very blessed. I am truly undeserving but I'll take it ;)

Sorry for the long read, y'all know I get carried away sometimes, lol!
I ride a Goldwing. I don't know if you have heard of Iron Butt rides (1,000 miles in 24 hrs. and/or 1500 in 36 and several others) I have five and am hoping to get another 4 this spring and summer. We have a group in the midwest called ROMEO (Retired Old Motorcyclists Eating Out) and every Wednesday we meet for lunch somewhere around Wichita. I am not retired and am the youngest one in the group, but there are guys over 80 and still riding! Anyway, hoping to do the first half of Route 66 (Chicago to OKC) this April.
Started riding as soon as I turned 18.  I'm about half way between 50 and 60 now so pretty much all my life.  We have ridden through 47 of the 48 states, Canada, Mexico and still try to do a couple weeks of long trips every year.
Got a membership in the Iron Butt as well and some day I want to get my CC50 in.  That's coast to coast in under 50 hours.
Congrats for getting back on the road, it has kept me sane all these years.
BTW, currently ridding a BMW K1200LT but have has MANY different brands.
Nice bikes my sister in law rides the shadow, I've owned 2 vmax,s love them bikes! I ride a harley road glide now but would love to still own a max.
Great bikes!  You'll love the V-Max - a buddy of mine has one, and it's nice.  Good you're doing the rider course - great start!  Just like your venture into firearms, doing it right from the start makes all the difference!  Get some good, safe, bike handling skills down, and you'll be off to a great start.  I haven't had one in 15 years...just got tired of all the cars trying to kill me, but I long for a bike again!
I feel like it's Christmas, lol. I am heading out in about 2 hours to meet my brother to take a ride to SC to pick up that V-Max. While I am gone, my wife is cooking a butt so I'll have a good dinner tonight. She'll be going off with a GF to watch that new 50 Shades movie while me and my brother eat bbq and talk about motorcycles, lol!

Happy Friday everyone!
I got the bike home last night fairly late. I did a little cleaning on Mr. Max today and took it for a little jaunt down the road real quick. I came back with a smile on my face :) It's powerful and just smooth as silk. It doesn't know I'm even on it. I could see how people can get in trouble with it :P

It's one of those "bucket list" things for my wife and I, I guess. I am looking forward to enjoying some sight seeing with her on the bikes. I have to buy some gear, that's a crazy expense but certainly necessary. What shocks me is in South Carolina, there is no helmet law! I saw lots of folks riding without one, that boggles the mind.
So a little update for y'all. I ended up not going to the 3 day course at the local Harley Davidson dealership and instead opted for a 2 day course given by Chris Carr. He's in the AMA Motorcycle Hall Of Fame. Google his name and click on the Wiki link and see what's he is about. I figured that if I were going to take a course, why not from a racing legend? The wife and I completed it over the weekend and it was AWESOME! We really enjoyed it. She did very well. We got a waiver on taking the state test. I went and got my new license with the "M" endorsement today, she'll go get hers sometime this week.

Yesterday I rolled the bikes out and started them up and we took a little ride around the subdivision. It was her first ride on her bike! Prior to yesterday she'd only practiced getting rolling and feet up in the driveway, lol. She learned a LOT in 2 days. It's fun watching her ride, I'm proud of her :)

I took Maxine and road behind her (Maxine is what I've named the Vmax, lol). It's a stout bike, I love the way it feels. My wife likes the seat height of her Shadow, which she named "Black Betty" :P

We're all set to take it slowly. For now I will ride with her in the neighborhood until she feels comfortable enough to venture out on some side roads. We have all the needed gear, I bought us some Bluetooth in helmet headset/intercom dealios. That way we can listen to music together while we talk. It has a 900+ yard range and can link up to 4 headsets to talk with other riders that have bluetooth intercoms. Should be fun!

I am about to do some powder coating and painting on the old girl (Maxine, not my wife, lol). Today I put a little windscreen on her, I like it! I plan on painting the faux tank (vmax gas tank is under the seat), front and rear fenders. I am going to paint them a medium metallic gray with a black pearl stripe down the center outlined with pin stripes. Think "Eleanor" from Gone in 60 Seconds. I then am going to sandblast and powder coat the wheels a gray color and do the same to the sissy bar but will probably just sand blast and clear coat it. Ah.......lots of projects, so little time and money, lol!



I plan on posting pics as I go and will post some pics of rides we take. Stay tuned!
Jason - What do you think about this?
old sarge said:
Jason - What do you think about this?

Oh My!! That is AWESOME!!! That is a work of art, I wish I had that much money lying around, lol!