Another Smokinlicious Convert


New member
After searching all over the place looking for different sources for wood I have final broke down and joined the Smokinlicious bandwagon and order some hickory from them. I have mentioned many times that I like to use pecan on chicken and pork but my all around favorite smoking wood is hickory. Smokinlicious does not carry pecan so I asked and received a sample of sugar maple with my order of hickory. Everything that has been said about Donna and Smokinlicious is absolutely the truth. Their customer service is first rate. When I placed my order online I mentioned that I use a SI smoker. When my order shipped, I received an email from Donna that said she purposely had them select small chunks of the double fillet wood because she knew how little wood we use in our smokers. She also bragged about what a great addition SI smoker users has been to their business. She recognized that a lot of the people on this forum has started giving them business and was very gracious. If you are looking for a source for some great wood and excellent customer service check them out. As a test run with the new wood, I plan on smoking a pork loin with some of the sugar maple this weekend.
Way to go, Jimmy!  That's why I've recommended them so highly.  They are actually really big in the commercial cooking/smoking world, so we are helping to build their non-commercial business, which is great.  I just love the wood, and the company reminds me of SI; they actually CARE about their customers!!
Jimmy, try that sugar maple sample on salmon, yummy good!  You'll be ordering more of that for sure!  Great choice of wood source!

kz0m said:
Jimmy, try that sugar maple sample on salmon, yummy good!  You'll be ordering more of that for sure!  Great choice of wood source!


Carl, no can do. Not a fan of the salmon.