Amount of wood you’re using?


I’ve been using a 3D for many many many years and use approx 12oz for pulled pork. I’ve finally got my used analog 4 working and I’m wondering how much wood the 4 needs vs a 3. I’m assuming more do to the increased volume, but curious what y’all have found.
If you like the results with 12 oz of wood (which I feel is twice what is necessary from my experience) stick with it. All the smoke will pass over the meat .  Experiment.
Yeah, just shy of 12 has been my formula for many years in my 3D. People keep paying me to cater their events/parties so it's working. Doing 12+ butts for an event this Saturday :-) I'm doing a test run of 2 butts tonight so we'll see if 12 still works or I need more for the smoke note I'm after.
Also gotta figure out how many butts I can actually fit in this 4 heh.
