Ahh...frustrated. Seeking smoking gods


New member
I am a smoking noob but have been reading and trying the past 9 weeks on my #2.  I am running into the same two issues with both my pork butt and brisket. 
1. Smoke ring: I know this is mainly show but would love to have one
2. Tenderness without drying out (mine have been either one or the other, not both)

My smoking practice for both has been to place meat in cold and cold smoker to cook at 225*, wait for internal temp to hit 190, remove, place in foil and rest 1 to 3 hours.  I've used a variety of dry rubs, all put on with a yellow mustard base 12 hours in advance.  I have been smoking with apple chunks (three pieces at start and after two hours replace with two more).  I baste with Apple juice every two hours.  As a note,  I am only cook one of the meats at a time.  Not putting brisket and pork in at the same time. 
Thanks ahead of time for any help and/or advice.
With regard to smoke ring, electric smokers don't promote combustion, which means no smoke ring.  If you want one, many put a charcoal briquette in the smoker box along with the wood, which promotes what you're looking for.  Alternatively, you could always put on a uniform coat of Morton's Tender-Quick for 10 minutes or so and you'll have a pink sodium nitrite ring.

With regard to moisture, you have several options.  First, you can use a water pan of some sort; Smokin-It does sell a nice little hanging reservoir for liquids which will promote a moist environment for smoking.  Alternatively, beyond the spritzing you're doing, you may want to consider injections, brines, or marinades depending on the type of meat and the flavor profile you're looking for.
I'm guesing beef...right..beef section.

Okay here goes.  What is the quality if the beef?  Don't over smoke...don't over smoke...use 2-3 chunks and that's it...no more.
If you're looking for a smoke ring try this.  Buy lump charcoal...any brand.  Put 2 pieces of wood in and 1 lump of charcoal. The charcoal will help...will help  produce a smoke ring.  By the very nature of it being electric...smoke rings are difficult.  If you're outside watch the wind..I've heard and read where wind blowing across the smoke hole will cause the wood to ignite or cause the unit to run a little hotter.

Try a 3-2-1 method.  Yeah, I bought a fancy Maverick ET732 and haven't used it yet.  Remember, if you use a temperature probe inside while cooking always have meat in the cooker..the unit will run a little hotter without meat and you'll get a false temp. reading.

3-2-1..beef ribs...slap that rub on...3 hours on 225...don't open that door!!!  At 3 hours, open and look at the ribs, meat should be pulling back from the bone...if the ribs are thick with meat, proceed to #2.  If there's more bone than meat...wait..I answer this.
#2...pull the beef ribs.  Double layer tin foil.  You can put a little 1/4 cup of apple juice, you can put several squirts of artificial butter and some rub, then wrap it up.  No smoke....2 hours..pull them.  Take them in the house or unfoil and cook for 30 minutes to and hour ..no foil..NO SMOKE.
3 hours and more bones, less meat...foil it..same as the top...no smoke...juice it if you want, in the foil....1 hour...pull it ..look at it...decide.

With beef, alot of folks use Moore's liquid seasoning...soak it for an hour....put rub on...3hours, 2 hours foil, 30min.to and hour unfoil.

Pork ribs...either 3, 2, 1 or 2, 2, 1.  I usually do a 2, 2, 1 with pork.

Trim it up...no silver skin or flaps...same with beef...mustard,olive oil, (lightly rub mustard or oil to help hold rub..you wont taste it)or rinse it with water...then put on your rub.  2 hours (2 wood, 1 charcoal) cooking...225...pull it.
Foil..put several long squirts of honey, several long squirts of artificial butter and a small hand full of brown sugar on the foil...meat side down on this mixe..foil it..no smoke.  2 hours at 225 in foil..pull it...eat it or put in cooker..no smoke..for 30 minutes.

I've only done ribs...no shoulders, cheeks,  butts or whatever...yet.

#1...JOIN smoking meat forum...or read their meat section forum..it is very good info.

#2.  Youtube...especially Danny Coogle smoking ribs..excellnt tips.

Hope I helped...no expert, just want good ribs for the NFL season...Go Texans!!!





IMHO, the smoke ring is not as important to me as it used to be. My taste buds can't tell if the meat has a smoke ring or not....just my take on it......
smokeasaurus said:
IMHO, the smoke ring is not as important to me as it used to be. My taste buds can't tell if the meat has a smoke ring or not....just my take on it......

I, too, can't tell the difference!  It looks really good for presentation, but you can't taste it.  I'll throw in some chunk charcoal if I want to impress someone with the pretty pink ring, but otherwise don't care if there's one or not.  Taste is what matters!
The smoke ring is for show ... the electric smokers more than make up for it with amazing juiciness, in my opinion.  Give me substance over pretty any day of the week.
Newbie here... How much wood would I use for an 8-12# brisket? I have the #1 and have only ever smoked small pieces of salmon. Would I need to refill the wood occasionally throughout the long 10+ hour process? Put a bunch in at the beginning and it will last? Please help. I don't want to ruin an expensive hunk of meat but I've been wanting to try smoked brisket for over a year. Thanks so much for any advice you can give me.  :D
CBAngel106 said:
Would I need to refill the wood occasionally throughout the long 10+ hour process? Put a bunch in at the beginning and it will last?

Put your 6-8 oz in at the beginning and then don't open the door again until your probe(s) tell you it's hit your target internal temperature.  The wood will get used up long before the smoke is done, but that won't hurt anything.  All of the 'smoking' actually happens in the first couple hours and putting in more wood wouldn't help... opening the door would let out smoke, moisture, and heat.  Even more smoke could actually be entirely too much and leave you with a bitter taste.