Advice on purchasing New Meat Thermometers?

Papa Rick

New member
I currently have 2 Maverick E 733 and while they are still functioning, I have read reviews on 2 that I am considering.  Fireboard and Meater.  I have seen a few people on here that have one or both of these and wanted to get your input on how they are holding up?

Thanks in advance for your help.
I have owned Tappecue and Fireboard. Both are excellent in my opinion, and have excellent customer service. Tappecue was my first multi probe and I went to Fireboard because I could have 6 probes vs the (at that time) 4 for the Tappecue. I believe now they have the capability to double the probes. I would recommend you research all 3. If you only need 2 probes you might also want to check out the one by Thermoworks as well. Good luck!
Thanks Doug, I appreciate it very much.  Usually I do 4 Butts at a time and have used the Maverick, but it has really been hit and miss here lately.  Today, sitting outside today one side reads 70 and the other side is reading 120.  It has done this before but not as consistent as it has been messing up this week.

I read where they are having problems with the MEATER losing signal with the thick walls of the Smokinit smokers, and wanted to find out if this problem had been solved.

The Firebrand seems good and with it too wanted to get an up to date review on them as well.
I don’t have any of the three mentioned here. But I’ve heard great things about the Fireboard, both here and on another site where many members have them.

The Meater, like you say, has had issues. Both with working and then delivering product - although that may have been just on the Meater Block.

Wish I could help more, but I do know when I order another thermo, it will be a Fireboard.

Currently I am using a Chef Alarm by Thermoworks. I like it, simple and fairly inexpensive. I use multiple probes and just plug and unplug to check multiple temps. Not wireless to an app, but I don’t necessarily need that.

Hope you find the info you need.
I have gotten a response from 3 members on here and all have had problems with the "Meater", so will go ahead and buy the Fireboard. 

I Appreciate everyone getting back with me so quick and giving me your honest opinion.

God Bless Everyone and Have a Blessed Week!