Advice Needed - Ribs and Brisket


New member
I am wanting to smoke both St. Louis ribs and a 2lbs flat brisket tomorrow and I am wondering what is the best way to do it...without screwing them both up.  I have read the posted smoking guide and I see there is about a 10 degree cooking temp difference between the two types of meat.  I have also read mixed reviews regarding the smoking duration that the brisket might take. 

So my questions are -
1.  For the brisket that I want to slice, is 4 hrs typical or is that too long or short?
2.  If I cook both the ribs and the brisket at 225 and pull the brisket at 190 and finish the ribs would that work? 
3.  Should I increase the rib temp after pulling the brisket to 235? 
4.  Should the ribs typically take 5hrs?

Sorry for all the question guys.  I have done a lot of reading on this forum and I I'm seeing varying opinions as experience which I'm guessing will be the same for me the longer I smoke.

Thanks for the help and have a great weekend!

You will find that a 2 lb brisket (which is VERY small) could take as long as the ribs!  It is extremely difficult to smoke a brisket that small, and have it turn out the way you think it will.  Those little boogers have a mind of their own!  Last tiny one (just under 4 lbs) I did took 11 hours!  So, you could take up to 3 hours/lb.  My advice is to smoke the ribs, at 235, for 5-7 hours (spares take longer than back ribs), and use that baby briskie for stew meat.  When you get ready to smoke a brisket, the biggest you can fit in your smoker is the way to go.  Anything under about 7 lbs is going to cook really weird! 
Thanks for the advice.  Question on the ribs, I have the smoker set for 235, how long until my therometer reads around 235?  After 2 1/2 hours the highest it has gotten is 185.  I place the probe towards the back of the smoker. 
