Ackk... Brisket problem


New member
Help! I put a brisket in my #3 last night at 10:00PM. Smoker set at 235. This morning at 7:00 the point was at 200 and the Flat was at 176. This is a full packer 16 lb, when done trimming it was 11.5 lb & I left 1/4 to 1/2 inch of fat cap. Yes this was a very fatty brisket.
Should I cut off the Flat & take out? I am afraid if I leave it in till the point is done the flat will be overdone. This was going to be for dinner tonight. It is finishing way sooner then expected.  This is the 3rd brisket I have done, the other 2 point and flat finished the same time so this is putting me in a tail spin.  I checked meat temp at both locations with my digital temp probe and the temperatures matched what the probe readout on my heatermeter is reporting. So  I lowered the smoker setting to 200 till I decide what to do.
Any help would be appreciated
Wait for someone with more experience, but I wouldn't cut it apart just yet.  Its probably not done in either muscle based on temp.  I think they will say wrap part or all of it.  What is your temp goal for each muscle?
195 for both. I put flat probe in different location. It was slightly lower. Lowering the setpoint to 200 the Flat has come down to 193. point is starting to rise. I'll guess I'll see what happens and make a judgement call.
I know this is probably late, Larry, but I just put the probe center-mass, in the thick part between the point and flat, and have never had a problem.  Take that to 190-195, and all is well.  I never probe the flat & point separately.  The point has a lot more internal fat, so it cooks slower, but will also be more tender.  Focus on the flat, so as not to overcook.
Thanks, I set the setpoint to 200, the flat has come down to 190 and the point has been rising, it 187 right now so they are starting to meet. I'll probably take the flat probe out and replace it in the center as you have advised. We'll see how it turns out.
I prefer to smoke brisket at 225. I would only use 235 if I needed to do it in less time for some reason. Also, I probe the point and the flat separately. My finished goal temps are 200-205 in the point, and 190-195 in the flat. You'd be surprised, but they seem to come up to their individual temps at the same time. Throughout the smoke, they might be pretty far apart, and a lot of people panic, thinking one will be done way before the other, but they will come back together in the end.
Thanks for the responses. The brisket turned out ok. The Flat was too dry for 1/4 of its length. In the middle the meat was moist and falling apart when cutting, it was hard to get a good slice.  My last 2 Brisket I did at 225, they were both approx 16 pounds and took 17- 18 hours to cook. Point and flat finished at the same time.  I think cooking at 235 caused the flat to rise faster than the other 2 cooks. I was trying to shorten the cooking time. Unless I need it done sooner, I think I will go back to 225.
I didn't mention it, but I always go 225 for brisket, Larry.  I've been toying with doing one at 210, but haven't yet!  Super low and slow!
Temp doesn't really matter. What is the meat telling you? Pick it up in the middle do both ends heavily sag and droop? Poke it with your finger, is it soft? I gave up temping briskets long ago flats and points are nearly always different your better off going by feel.