Above zero


New member
Finally above ZERO here in northern Iowa gonna get to do a meatloaf in my #2 on Sunday. Wife can't wait one of her favs

Finally huh?! I was born and raised in Sioux City and that is where my step father taught me about the joys of smoking meats. Glad to be here in AZ so I can do it all year long without extremely low temps.
Other side of state waterloo was 45 below wind chill last few days not good for smoking for sure
Yeah, go ahead and brag, Ben, while we endure the dreaded "polar vortex!"  LOL!  How lucky you are this winter to be in AZ!  I'm down south, and we've had more ice and snow this year than I've seen in the last 10!
This cold weather sux. I have been smoking in my garage. Don't worry I have very good ventilation. Can't wait to be outside once again. Hey at least my garage smells like cherry wood.
I tried the garage a couple of times, but my wife started complaining of the smoke smell in her car!  I even had a 20" fan blowing the smoke out of the garage.  So, I am back on the deck...this weekend is looking good for a pork loin smoke.