About to smoke an odd brisket cut, need some advice


I got a small 2.5lb brisket point to smoke tomorrow. I took it out of the package and it turns out the point and flat are almost completely separated and the fat that usually is between the two has been trimmed. The package said “market trim”.

Should I go ahead and cut through the the 1/2” of meat that is holding these together and cook them as 2 different pieces, or just leave the point sitting on top of the flat as it normally would be?
I just put it on the smoker about 20 minutes ago. I decided just to fold it over and smoke it fat side down. I put the temp probe in the thickest part I could find, which is on the top "flap". I'm sure it will be good!
I’ve only smoked a few small briskets like this, but I made pastrami with them, so they were brined/cured, then smoked. But your plan of folding over is good, I think. The cook may take longer than a larger brisket (lbs/hour may be drastically different than what you are used to).

But, in the end it should be good! Enjoy!