A successful evening

Mike S

New member
My dear sirs and madams,
I had a pork loin in the freezer and it was seasoned according to a Bobby Flay recipe I have that is for Carribean Pork Tenderloin. It is meant to be blackend and the first time I did it, I washed off the seasoning and brined it. This time I heated up the grill to 500 degrees, used a cast iron skillet with some Canola oil and blackened the pork for a couple of minutes per side. The pork was not done, of course, so it was to the smoker I went.

Once in the smoker I used a temp probe to hit 145 degrees and it worked wonderfully. The meat was perfect.

At the same time I did some baked beans. I left them in the smoker at 225 with the original 1.5oz of apple chips for 2 hours. This is a great recipe and I recommend it to anyone.

In the end, it was wonderful. Attached you will find the recipe for the beans. There is a story here.

There is a man from Windsor, Ontario, who is a football coach. He is somewhat non-nonconformist on his views of nutrition. Each spring he held "meat fest" and all food served must include meat. There was the pasta salad with some pepperoni and such to appease the ladies, but these beans made the cut no question. It was a hit at "meat fest". The recipe is attached.

I made the beans, put them in the smoker for 2 hours. Orgazmic. That, of course, is my opinion, but try it yourself and see if you find differently. These babies are really good.


Glad you had a good meal. I posted your recipe in the Appetizer and Side Dish section. It is easier to locate and use that way. You were credited as the source. 
Sounds great, Sig!  Those beans sound really good, too!  I love smoking pork loins.  To get a little better smoke penetration, I like to smoke first, then reverse-sear at the end.  This allows the meat to cook through evenly (without the outside getting more done than the middle), then a quick sear at the end.  Either way, loins are the bomb!  Best pork sammies on the planet.