A question regarding my first large brisket


New member
Looking for a little clarification regarding cooking time.  Brisket is 15 lbs. At 1.5 hrs per hr (approx), could i cut the smoking time in half by smoking two 7.5 lb'ers?  Why or why not?
Smythe - If you cut a 15 lb packer cut in two, it will smoke like a 7.5 lb brisket.  That's because the heat surrounds the two pieces like they're in there alone.  So, as long as they're not jammed up against each other, they'll smoke like singles.  Cuts time a lot!  When I smoked brisket in my #1, I would cut a packer in half, right in the middle of the length, then place the thin half on top, and the thick half below.  That evens-out the cooking, and never had a problem!

It's best, quality-wise, to smoke a packer whole (if possible), but cutting in half also works!
Thanks. Put both pieces in at 230 AM, bed at 330, work up at 11 and internal temp was 205. Wowsers, much quicker than I anticipated. In to rest shortly. Hope it still slices having gone to 205. I didnt ruin it, did I?
I think you will be ok. May be a little over done/dry but should still be edible if you had plenty of fat on the meat and moisture in the smoker. Let us know the outcome when you find out.