A-MAZE-N Cold Smoke Generator


OK, I know I have been pretty adamant that I did not see a need for an A-MAZE-N Smoke Generator for use with the Smokin-It smokers. My view was based primarily on the fact that I rarely cold smoke and if I do it is only for a relatively short time where chips and my chip insert in the #3 have always been more than adequate. But, if you want to cold smoke, say bacon or something like that for 6+ hours or so, I can see where this device could be nice to have.

So, I was kind of bored today and on a whim, I ordered the following model to do some testing on:

They are relatively inexpensive and I have a crap-load of Hickory sawdust from my old Big Chief smoking days. So, I figured what the hell.

I have some Canadian Bacon and one small piece of pork belly that I put into my Buckboard Bacon brine on Wednesday that I may try this out on. I think I'll probably just try the piece of pork belly. I usually start slow on the Canadian Bacon, but eventually hot smoke them up to temp. So, I'm not sure the cold smoker would really be appropriate and/or necessary for the Canadian Bacon.

Then I may also try some smoked cheese.

It will be interesting to see if I get enough air flow in the #3 to keep this thing lit or not. I can always put the Jerky Dryer on if I find that there is not enough air flow to keep it lit.

More to come after I get the device and 10 days or so before I actually test it out on the pork belly.

I'll probably do a dry run with nothing in the smoker just to see how it works.

So, more to come for those who may be interested.

You might want to try dropping the drip tray down to the ground rather than having it attached to the smoker itself; this should create a tad more space for air intake.

That is a good point.

I also thought about removing the smoke box too which should allow more airflow from that little hole. I'll probably wrap a piece of foil around the element bracket to prevent any drippings on the element.
Yeah, I would definitely try a few dry runs before taking on serious smoking.

I think that those who've tried the pellet/sawdust maze in the #3 have found that there wasn't enough air to keep it going. The jerky drier should work, but it'll up the temp.

The original little A-Maze-N sawdust smoker doesn't require a lot of draft and does work in the #3, but the fine ground sawdust that A-Maze-N sells must be used....coarser sawdust won't burn reliably.

Coarser sawdust will work in the model that you bought(given enough air) but it does burn hotter, which brings up another issue....too much heat unless it's fairly cool outside.

Can't wait to see how it works for you.
I think that, with the #3, pre-heating the smoker a little to create a draft before you introduce the A-Maze-N may help.
I have a ton of pretty fine sawdust, so I should be able to do as many test runs as I want. I bought a 40 pound bag and probably have at least 20 pounds left still. Based on some of the Youtube videos I have watched my wood is exactly the same size consistency as the A-MAZE-N sawdust.

It is pretty cold here right now. So for me, at least in the winter time, it should be easier to keep the temps down.

I am open for continued test scenarios.
DiggingDogFarm said:
It's the little A-Maze-N that requires special sawdust.
Almost any sawdust should work in the pellet/sawdust smoker.

You are right sir. Yeah, I would think if it can handle and is designed to handle pellets that various sized dusts should work without issue.

In the end, I am not sure how much I will end up using this, but it will be nice to have in the smoking arsenal for those times when it would come in handy.
One of the posters over at SMF made an alteration that he claimed allowed the usage of pellets in the A-MAZE-N.  He drilled a second drain hole (same size) about 1"-1 1/2" directly in line behind the original drain hole.  Foil lined the bottom of the unit and poked a 2nd hole in the foil.  Said he had enough air flow to keep the pellets going.  I suppose when not using pellets foiling the bottom and only poking one hole would slow down the additional air draft.  The poster said he then placed the unit close alongside the original smokebox.  Don't know how Steve feels about poking more holes in his machine, but we do it for the Auber install.
Thanks for the note Bill.

Yeah, I have read those posts and there is a not a snowball's chance in hell that I drill another air hole in my smoker. ;) If that is really what it takes to use the this device, I will just do my cold smoking in my trusty Big Chief which would not have any problems with air flow.

I see the hole for the Auber differently though as it gets plugged and would not affect the performance of the smoker. As I said before, I really don't see myself using the A-MAZE-N that much. So, permanently altering my smoker is really not in the cards. I see this just as an extra option that can be used for certain appropriate occasions.

I don't think I'll have a problem with airflow though. If I need more air, I'll use my jerky dryer as that will provide more than enough air (maybe too much). I'm going to try it without to see if it fails like some have said. I have enough dust to do some different tests.
DivotMaker said:
Looking forward to your report, Gregg.  We'll see if you change my opinion about this. ;)

Or my opinion either. ;)

My opinion has always been that while it may be a very solid device and needed in many other smokers, I think its usefulness in conjunction with Smokin-It smokers will be somewhat limited and primarily used for long/low/cold smokes. But, we'll see. I am looking forward to playing with it.
I have tried this and did not succeed until I used the jerkey dryer. The temp rise was not anything significant and the AMZN burnt through the whole tray very nicely once I used it.

I did not try this by taking the drip pan out though, thats a great idea.
If the goal is long, low temp smokes there is no better time than in the winter. I would think that if you used your jerky fan you would be getting enough airflow to make it work.
Yeah, I think for sure I would get enough smoke with the fan. My only worry would be that it would be too much air flow. I received notice that my AMAZEN was delivered today. But it is so dang cold out today, I may not do my first test until tomorrow or Wednesday. I think some smoked cheese will be on tap for this weekend depending on the results of my testing.

I don't think I'll have to worry about the smoker temps. I read some posts saying that the temps should be in the 35-55 degree range. That may be tough to do depending on how much heat the smoker puts off.
The jerky fan will certainly help but causes other issues...drying (not surprisingly) and an increase in temps...when burning pellets anyway.