A little bit of chicken

When you get a chance, try smoking the shrimp in your smoker!  I just did some yesterday 4th time now) and they come out great.  The smoky taste really sets them off.  The recipe that I use is in the following thread ... third post in.

swthorpe said:
When you get a chance, try smoking the shrimp in your smoker!  I just did some yesterday 4th time now) and they come out great.  The smoky taste really sets them off.  The recipe that I use is in the following thread ... third post in.
Thanks I'm going to try that.
That looks so good. I haven't smoked any fish or seafood yet. I need to get on it!' Good job Abadan"
Hey abaran, (still would be great to have a first name and town in your signature line) - looks great!  I notice you covered a shelf below the chicken with foil, instead of just foiling the bottom of the smoker.  I would advise against that.  That much foil, between the smoke box and the meat, can really play havoc with box temp and your results.  It channels the heat away from the meat, and up the edges of the smoker.  Try your next smoke without that, and see if you can tell a difference in anything.  We've been down that road before, with cookie sheets, aluminum pans, and foil, or anything else folks think will make cleanup easier, and most have had a big effect on the results.  Just my 2¢...
OK Tony you shamed me into changing my profile, Lol. To be honest with you the foil on the shelf was me being lazy. Sometimes I just don't give chicken the respect it deserves. I usually just put it in the smoker for two hours and then finish them on the grill. But I guess I didn't realize what was going on inside. Usually I do not do that  but now I want to stick the Maverick probe in there and see what actually happens. Thank you  I really enjoy reading your posts.
Hi Andre, nice to finally know you! :D  No shame around here, brother, we just like to know each other - unlike your "ordinary" BBQ forum!

The problem I was talking about was mainly due to people using big foil pans, or cookie sheets, below the meat.  We had a heck of time pinpointing why folks were having low box temps!  Finally put the puzzle together, and that was the common thread.  Not sure if foil alone would have the same effect, but I suspect it would.  Foil the bottom, and let that heat flow around the meat!
Sorry had to add.................

“The truth is that all men having power ought to be mistrusted.”  Madison

“If you're going to tell people the truth, be funny or they'll kill you.”  Billy Wilder

OK off to better news...............

The foil with heat you mention Tony, think foil on the racks really has an effect on nuts and stuff you just don't want to fall through the cracks?

Maybe short smokes don't matter so much?

I never thought foil would / might affect the element.   

jcboxlot said:
Sorry had to add.................

“The truth is that all men having power ought to be mistrusted.”  Madison

“If you're going to tell people the truth, be funny or they'll kill you.”  Billy Wilder

OK off to better news...............

The foil with heat you mention Tony, think foil on the racks really has an effect on nuts and stuff you just don't want to fall through the cracks?

Maybe short smokes don't matter so much?

I never thought foil would / might affect the element. 

Love the quotes, John!  Let me add one of my favorites:

"The laws that forbid the carrying of arms are laws of such a nature. They disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes.... Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man."
- Thomas Jefferson, Commonplace Book (quoting 18th century criminologist Cesare Beccaria), 1774-1776

Now, onto the foil - - There are better options for things like nuts; QMatz from amazenproducts.com, or even coffee filters.  It's best not to block the flow of smoke and heat from any sides of the item being smoked, imo.