A few newbie questions..


New member
I just seasoned by #2D per the instructions in this sub forum and I just have a few questions:

- I’ve attached a pic of my post seasoning burn. It looks like the hottest spots are where the two pieces of wood turned to ash. Now that I’m aware of this how does this change the way I place the wood in box for future cooks? (divotmaker’s guide alludes to this being important but not why or what to do with this info).

- I’ve attached a second pic of a black metal piece that came with my unit. What is it and where does it go or is it just something used to secure it while in transit and can be tossed?



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I’m not sure what the piece is in the second photo?

But for the wood placement, I also have hot spots and i try to place wood around that. But there’s a few ways to go about this - I try to place my chunks parallel to the wood box so that the chunk is not over one of the holes. This seems to help not allow the chuck to turn to ash. You can also use a foil boat to help with this as well. Just take some foil, punch some small holes and place it on the bottom of the box then your wood chuck. You can do this for each area, or just the hot spots. I really only use foil when I use wood chips.

That’s my experience. Others will post on their experience as well.
The metal piece in the second photo is a shipping brace. It can be recycled, discarded etc. Welcome to the SI family. Enjoy your new smoker.
