6 Bone Rack of Veal


New member
A friend gifted me this 5.75# beauty.  So....I aged it in an UMAI bag for 10 days... rubbed it down with EVOO and seasoned with cracked black pepper and salt...rubbed in an herb pesto (EVOO, creole mustard, fresh rosemary, thyme, taragon, parsley & toasted juniper berries)...pecan smoked @ 200 degrees for 2.5 hours until IT 125...let rest double wrapped in foil for an hour....reverse seared in oven @ 550 for 7 minutes.

Served it with a red wine mushroom sauce, artichoke, a trio of roasted potatoes, sweet potatoes & turnips & a kale microgreen salad with purple onion, radish & smoked  salmon chunks on a fan of avacado. Absolutely perfect. Didn't get a picture of the final plate but the lead-up and tonights leftovers are included.

Its as good a piece of meat as can be found. If you can find one I highly recommend it.


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I can't even remember the last time I saw veal available, anywhere, since PETA got on it!  Way to do it right - wow!  Bet that tasted fantastic!