59 day dry aged New York Strip


New member
I stumbled upon a Prime 6.2lb New York Strip on sale for $6.99/lb.  Decided it was a perfect candidate for another foray into dry ageing.  Think I will shoot for 50 days....we'll see.  Starting to get low on real estate for brineing, cureing & dryageing.

Valentines Day, Day 59!  Decided to have some friends over and share some of this, so this was for 10 of us altogether.

The Strip weighed in @ 5lbs even, a 20% weight loss. After trimming the rhind, she weighed in @ 4lb 8oz.  The rhind I cut into small snack size pieces for my dog. I cut one steak off the butt & added it to a plate of 4 fresh NY Strips purchased this afternoon as well as my last 37 day aged ribeye. These steaks were all grilled to med rare. The remainder of the Strip went into the smoker @225 until an IT of 122 was reached. They were then reverseared on the grill & pulled @  IT of 130. I used about 2oz of pecan & the remaining unused coal from previous smokes. There were 5 stuffed & wrapped japaleno's & 1 stuffed & wrapped poblano as well as 4 nice potatoes keeping the strip company. Once the strip was removed the temp was cranked up to WAO to finish the taters & peppes. In addition, roasted purple cabbage with melted blue cheese & asparagus were served,  the potatoes were smoked, diced and tossed with butter & fresh parsley.

Overall a great meal & a great opportunity to compare the steaks in different stages of the ageing process. The 37 day ribeye was just as good as remembered but the intense beefy flavors in the 59 day NY Strip was incredible.

Tomorrow morning will be hash made from the diced left over smoked potatoes as well as diced steak with an over easy egg.

Your turn Jim!


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Should get about 4 nice steaks out of that one, Walt!  Too good of a deal to pass-up - I wouldn't have either!  Between this, and your journey into charcuterie, sounds like you're due to set up a dedicated dry-age fridge!
See update on original post.  The meal was started with some of the Breasola as well as a mix of cheese & homemade pickled vegetables (cucumbers & turnips). I will be making more of the breasola again real soon.
Going to have to come off the bench and get back in the game, looks like it's going to be strips ribeyes are still a bit pricey, starting one early this week.
Walt, nicely done! The roast looks great. I have the bags for dry age but haven't pulled the trigger yet. I will have to change that soon....