4D For Bacon


New member
Hello all - my wife and I make bacon, and we're in the process of switching from an at-home just for friends setup to a renting kitchen space setup.

One of our new challenges - the Health Department wants us smoking indoors under a vent hood.  We cannot do a permanent install, because of space restrictions set by the owner of the kitchen, and the Fire Marshall is very frowny about the idea of repeated hookup/teardown cycles for a natural gas hookup.  Boom, electric smoker is the remaining option :)

I talked with Steve today about the interior dimensions of the 4D.  It looks like I'd be able to get two rows of 4, possibly two rows of 5 bellies hanging from the top of the unit.  This is 80-110lbs of meat, depending on the piggie.  Poking around the forums here a bit, it seems like there's some concern about the interior temps not reaching targets quickly with larger loads.  Is that a real problem, or just something that's popped up a few times?

How many programming points are there for a recipe?  Can I have it sit at 150 for an hour, then 175 for two, then 225, etc? Or is the Auber more of a single point target temp system?

I've never used electric smokers before - what do I need to be asking here?  :)

The Auber has 6 program points and should be way more than you need.  The temp issue shouldn't be a problem as your bellies are looked at by the smoker as individual loads and not an 80 - 100 lbs piece of meat.  That much meat would just make the time for the box itself take a little longer to come up to temperature.

I'm one of the few members here that own a #4 but have never done bacon myself.
Great to have you in the family!  Now that you are an "official" member of Club Lazy Q 8) , how about adding your first name and town to your signature line?  We really like to know who are new friends are!

You will find the programming of the controller will do whatever your mind can conceive, as far as smoke routines!  You have 6 individual steps, but I have never, personally, used more than 4.  We're here to help, when it arrives!  If you need help with the programming, just ask!  We're here to help.