$49.99 Vacmaster Sealer

I am pretty happy with my higher level VacMaster products, so for the occasional light-use user, this sounds like an awesome deal.

Thanks for posting.
Not very good reviews on amazon :( https://smile.amazon.com/VacMaster-PRO110-Suction-Vacuum-Sealer/dp/B008C9TQOM?sa-no-redirect=1
If it's anywhere near the quality of my Vacmaster Pro 350, it should be great for light use!  They make really good stuff in their commercial-grade, but I bet this is an import consumer-grade unit that may not live up to their name.
I have had a VacMaster Pro 140 for just over 2 years. Mostly occasional use. I have actually had trouble with it lately, with the seal bar either not heating up enough, or making enough contact to create a seal in one seal cycle. I've had to run 2-4 consecutive 10 second seal times just to get one good seal. I have gone round and round with VacMaster tech support, and have been told to send to VacMaster to be repaired, but thought with shipping and all, maybe I should just buy a Pro 110. After reading the 110 specs, I decided it is too simple for my needs. If you dry age using the Umai bags, you need the control of a separate pulse function to get a head start on removing the air from a really large bag, which the 110 lacks. Also the 110 is a single piston pump as opposed to dual as in my 140 (probably no big deal). Seems that VacMaster has fallen off when it comes to products for simple home use. I suspect that the Pro 110 is closeout, like my 140 was when I bought it. I wonder if they are discontinuing low-end home use products, or are maybe coming out with a better one. Time will tell. In the meantime, I'm trying to deal with my 140 and 2-4 seal cycles just to seal one bag. It sort of works...but I have not found a better option out there for under $100. Someday I hope to get a chamber sealer, but I still need a suction sealer for large bags or Umai bags.
I love my VacMaster chamber sealer, but I still keep my trusty 15+ year-old FoodSaver V2440 around for sealing long items like ribs, and one day I am going to try dry-aging a rib roast for some dry-aged ribeye.

My only issue with it is that I have to moisten to foam seal occasionally if it doesn't seal.
jpowell said:
Not very good reviews on amazon :( https://smile.amazon.com/VacMaster-PRO110-Suction-Vacuum-Sealer/dp/B008C9TQOM?sa-no-redirect=1
