#4 top temp range


New member
Hey there Smokin It Gurus, Lurkin for a bit and have had plans of transforming one of my smokers to electric and after talking to Steve I decided to put the plans into action. I have a Auber and 1500 W. heater on the way and my question is for those that use the bypass on the #4 with the auber what is the highest temp you are able to get in the box?

The reason I ask is because my smoker is just a tad larger and I am trying to decide if I need to shrink it down to a comparable size to the #4 to reach a temp of 350 plus.

I really don't have a need for this temp but want to no if it is obtainable. My reason for this smoker is for low temp smoking(cheese,sausage and pepperoni) I have another BBQ that I built for low & slow with the option of high heat when desired.(reverse sear and burgers)

For reference what I am working with is insulated stainless 48 tall 28 deep and 22 wide. What I am thinking is 30 tall 22 deep and 22 wide. I think I would like to go a little taller if possible, What are your thoughts?

First, welcome to the SI Site/forum.

Are you planning on buying a Model 4 and want to know if it can reach 350 degrees or just looking for info to build your own?  Just asking.
What I am doing is getting away from a propane set up and converting to electric with what I already have. I would really like to leave the size as it is but I am worried it would take all day to come up to temp and to long to recover if the door got opened. This is the reason for asking about size and temp.

Thank you for the welcome old sarge.
RLS - That is a lot of space to heat with 1500 watts. The SI units have elements optimized for their size, or maybe a little higher wattage than necessary to accommodate those with an Auber who want to crank up the temperature periodically.  But they are definitely not under powered.  You have likely noticed that the Model 4 which comes with the Auber standard is rated at 1800 watts. Anytime one opens the door, there will be a heat dump and the colder it is outside the longer to recover time will be.  Add in a full load of meat and coming up to temp will be longer than you may be used to.  There are very few complaints, if any, about the time it takes a SI smoker to come up to temp or to recover.

I switched from an offset a few years ago and went electric (different pre-SI brand). If I were switching today and going electric, I would buy a SI3.  No doubt about it. My brother has it and the quality is second to none, including what I own.

Good luck on your build.


When I bought my model 4, I had all intentions of getting rid of my propane unit. It didn't take me long to change my mind. I think both propane and electric have an area that they excel at. Keeping the propane, I feel like I have the best of both worlds.
SuperDave said:
When I bought my model 4, I had all intentions of getting rid of my propane unit. It didn't take me long to change my mind. I think both propane and electric have an area that they excel at. Keeping the propane, I feel like I have the best of both worlds.


Like Dave,

I have both the electric smoker and a propane gas unit and I think both are needed for the way I do dinners.

+2  Definitely helps to have options.    For quick meals, like hamburgers last night, you can't beat the propane gasser...especially now that it gets dark early.    In addition to the SI#2 and gasser, I have a Acorn kamado grill that is fun to use as well.