4 baby back racks in my model 1


New member
I am very pleased with the Model #1 I purchased a couple months ago.  I live in a condo and for various reasons am unable to use the smoker at home.  I had the smoker shipped to my work and I quietly use it on Saturdays and it has exceeded my expectations.  As you can guess, I am quite popular with my crew on Saturday as I always end up sharing some of the finished product with them.

I purchased the extra rack from the get go, but started with just 3 racks of ribs by purchasing the 3 pack from Costco.  From reading quite a bit here, it seemed most folks were not normally using the 4th rack.  The problem occurs with the sharing as I am wanting to take more home to the family.  So a few weeks ago I started using the 4 rack and here has been my learning experiences so far.

I have always used the recipe for baby back ribs provided by DM and they have turned out great.  235 degrees, 5 1/4 hours to 5 3/4 hours.

My first attempt with 4 racks I used the Maverick meat thermometer to read the box temperature as I also thought the temp might be a little higher than the dial from when I did a butt the previous week.  The box temp appeared to take a longer time to rise and never did reach 235.  I figured the extra meat in the box would require me to go longer so I went 5 3/4 hours.  This was a mistake as the bottom rack ribs were heavily blackened on the underside and dry, not inedible, but not good.  My guys at work are always going to be the guinea pigs for the 4th rack.  ;D.  They ate them, but definite room for improvement.  The other 3 racks were fine.  Also not going to use the meat thermometer again with ribs, too much over thinking.

The second time I pulled the 4th rack at 5 hours and the other 3 at 5 1/4 hours.  The guys said the 4th rack was much better, but they were still blackened on the underside.  I asked them if they were  cooked enough and would it be OK to try 4 3/4 hours for this rack.  They all agreed there was still room for improvement and to give it a try.

The 3rd time, today, I pulled the 4th rack at 4 3/4 hours and the other 3 at 5 1/4 hours.  There still was blackening on the underside, but the guys said they tasted great and to not change anything further.

I am going to stick with this for now. 
Is your wood catching fire instead of smoldering? That would explain the blackening of the bottom of your ribs. I keep a layer of foil in the bottom of the wood box to eliminate that. Using quality wood with a 20% or higher moisture content will help also.
I am using smokinlicious wood and have the normal left over charcoal looking wood at the end.  The 4th rack sits right above the smoke box and think the heat is just more intense.
Maybe switch the top rack with the bottom rack halfway through. Even though you want to avoid opening the smoker, in this case, I think that would be best.
LBC, 4 racks is kind of tight, in the 1, so I would also recommend rotating at least the top and bottom shelves at about the 2 1/2 hours point.  You also want to put the thickest ends on the lower shelves, even though they may not be from the same rack...thin to thick, top to bottom.