4.5# brisket flat gameplan-completed with finished pics


New member
So I scored a 4.5lb flat for an incredible $3.50 a pound today with one important factor. The butcher (who appeared to be new to the trade) simply took a packer cut and sliced it in half rather than properly dividing the point from the flat. So I have a flat that tapers from 1/2" thick to about 2 1/2" on the thicker end with a 3/4" stripe of fat in the middle of it. I only trimmed a little fat off the side where it was pretty thick. Other than that, I didn't touch it.

I have injected it with beef broth and it is sitting in the fridge.

So here's my game plan:

Let sit 12+ hours in fridge wrapped in plastic wrap

Pull out of fridge, rinse, pat dry, and let sit at room temp for an hour.

Rub with 50/50 pepper, kosher salt.

Put in my #2 with 4 oz. cherry and a small water pan next to the firebox.

Smoke @235F with fat cap down until it hits 195-200 IT

Remove from smoker, wrap, and let rest for an hour before slicing.

I have two main concerns here.

Best placement for probe?

I injected with regular old beef broth (not low sodium) and injected quite a bit into it. Do I want to back off on the salt in the rub and maybe go 75% pepper to 25% kosher salt?

What do you think? I have smoked a small flat before with sub-par results.

Thanks for any feedback,

Overall your plan looks solid. I would back off the salt just a little but that is a personal preference. Regular beef broth probably won't add that much salt in the grand scheme of things. As to probe placement, go for the thicker part of the meat since that will finish last. I also would back off the heat to 235 but that's because I am really a low and slow kind of guy. Your call on that. Post pics when you are done! Enjoy!
Thanks for the reply Bob.

Is it alright if the probe is in the layer of fat? The 3/4" layer of fat sits directly in the middle of the meat on the thick end so that's the very thickest area.
Here she is: injected and rubbed going in the smoker. It's about noon and I slept in more than planned so hopefully she will hit 195-200 in about 9 hours


Hit 160 about 2 hours in. Its now at 163 roughly 3 1/2 hours in so Im officially in the stall phase but it's a smaller cut of meat so I don't anticipate it's going to take that long to plow throught it and continue rising in temp.
SpottedCow said:
Hit 160 about 2 hours in. Its now at 163 roughly 3 1/2 hours in so Im officially in the stall phase but it's a smaller cut of meat so I don't anticipate it's going to take that long to plow through it and continue rising in temp.

Don't be so sure! ???  Those small cuts seem to have a mind of their own!  I once did a 4 lb corned beef flat that took 11 hours!  I have seen small cuts go 3 hours per pound!  Not sure of the "science" behind it, but it's definitely weird science!  Goes against all the standards we use for larger cuts.  Hope you're the exception!
Sorry to hear that!  That's why I only smoke 7+ lb cuts.  I wish I could understand the little ones!  Funny thing is, it only happens with briskets (at least for me)!  Must have something to do with the muscle fiber & structure, that is different from other meat.  Dunno, but it sure is frustrating!
I guess it doesn't upset me as I would rather do it right than rush through it and have poor results. Gives me time to get some pickles, onion slices, beans, and bread ready. ;D

Im going to feast tonight. Its now at 187f and it's been on about 7 1/2 hours

Hit 197f almost exactly 9 hours in. Here she is. Single wrap in parchment. Double wrap in foil and Im going to rest it an hour.

Looks good!  You're lucky it only took 2 hours per pound!  Still twice as long as larger cuts, so now you'll know for next time!