3rd Brisket on the 2. Eating Goooooooood


New member
Did my third briskwt in three weeks.

13lb choice.  Used a pre-made rub and smoked with hickory for 11 hours.  Wrapped it at 165 and pulled it at 185.  Then let it sit for 3 hours.

Best one yet!

Also in that first pic is some applewood smoked flanksteak/fakitas I did last night.

I've done as many smokes in a month as I usually do all year since these smokers make it so hands off.
That is one moist brisket......and according to my calculations. 3 briskets in 3 weeks is an average of 1 brisket per week  ;)
Way to go, Mike!  You are absolutely right about using your smoker so much more than "other" smokers - "Lazy Q" is just too easy NOT to! ;)