3D Integrated PID Questions

Texan in Tulsa

New member
Smoking salmon and using a recommendation that I read in the forum of 220 degrees until internal temp of 135.

Still trying to learn how to correctly program the PID, so here's what I've got..

Controller is set as follows:

C1 = 220
E1 = F
F1 = 135

Is that correct? 

And what should display in RH window? All I see is -H- and no idea what that means. Also cabinet temp is reading 224 and still climbing. Thought it should stop at set temp of 220.


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Andy, your programming is correct.  It's showing 'H' in the right window because it is not reading your meat probe.  Are you sure it's clean, and plugged all the way in?  Check that, then turn the power off and back on.  It's acting like the probe is unplugged.  Have you seen this before?
Btw - have you stored the smoker outside, in the rain, without a cover?  Without a plug in the probe port, or cover, you are susceptible to getting water in the probe port.
When I first started the cabinet temp was 58 degrees and RH window was showing the same and that was with the probe in the meat and plugged in. As the temp was climbing the meat probe was climbing degree for degree until the mid 70s, then the meat probe slowed down some. Within 30 minutes the meat probe was reading 130 and was flashing AH. I thought no way that's possible that quickly, so I just changed the program for time and let it run for about an hour. I changed it back to temp to see if I could get a reading and it was now showing only H.
Hmm...never heard of anything like this before.  Was the meat cold, right out of the fridge?  Did you check to see if the probe was still in the meat?  Reading box temp tells me it's not in the meat, and I've seen probes ruined by falling too close to the smoke box (they are a bulb/capillary design, and can go out if they get too hot). 
Found that the weight of the cable pulled the end of the probe tip up to the point that it was barely in the meat. Too close to the surface and bad readings. Will try again on the next smoke and hope that it still works.

Ended up smoking for right at 2 hrs since i was unsure of the temp and just guessed. A little over cooked, but still really good.

The smoker is stored outside, but is kept covered and haven't had any rain since I received it.
Thought that might be the case, Andy!  Salmon is so tender, it's hard to keep a probe in.  Hopefully, next time will work better, so long as the probe stays in the meat.
170 usually takes right at an hour to reach 135 with none of the fat congealing on the surface.
Texan in Tulsa said:
I'll still take the win in knowing that I had it programmed correctly!!  ;D

+1!  Gets easier, the more you do it.  Just remember the 3 components:  What box temp, what trigger (temp or time), and how long or how much? 
Hey all. As I type, I'm at the tail-end of smoking 2 pork butts on my 3D. This is my first smoke using the meat temp probe. When I set up the program for 225 and an internal temp of 195 and even a 3rd program of 130 for 2 hours (just in case I wasn't there when 195 was hit). All set up fine, but no green light indicating my element was heating. Figured that the auber was a small computer, so unplugged it and plugged it back in. Without even going through the setup, the green light popped on and it's smoking perfectly. Since I've read that the Aubers occasionally have a few quirks, has anyone else had to "reset" them as I did? Thanks

I'm still learning. Turns out it is pretty simple if I do not overthink it (which I was doing). As for a reset, hopefully someone will be around with an answer.
JackT said:
Hey all. As I type, I'm at the tail-end of smoking 2 pork butts on my 3D. This is my first smoke using the meat temp probe. When I set up the program for 225 and an internal temp of 195 and even a 3rd program of 130 for 2 hours (just in case I wasn't there when 195 was hit). All set up fine, but no green light indicating my element was heating. Figured that the auber was a small computer, so unplugged it and plugged it back in. Without even going through the setup, the green light popped on and it's smoking perfectly. Since I've read that the Aubers occasionally have a few quirks, has anyone else had to "reset" them as I did? Thanks


3 different standalone Aubers, and the 3D, I can count on one hand the times I've had to cycle power.  Unfortunately, you are right...these are basically a computer, and no computer is ever 100% "glitch-free!"  I have never had a power cycle not fix whatever the issue was.