304 vs 201 Stainless Steel


New member
I was looking at buying the 3DWIFI, but noticed it is 201.  201 does not have the same corrosion resistance as 304 and is not as tough, meaning it won't hold up to shock as well. Now I am contemplating buying the 4DWiFi as it looks like it is made from 304?  Can anyone share their experience with the 201 (which is on all models under 4#)?  Have you had any issues with rust, corrosion, welds breaking etc.?  Is it worth paying double to move from the 3DWiFi to the 4DWiFi just to get 304 and added space?  Struggling with choice as I don't want to pay $1,400 on the 3DWiFi only to wish I stepped up the plate and purchased the better quality 4. 
I have the 3D and no problems with corrosion.  Also, the surface still looks good. Not new, just good. The # 3 analog my niece has is 10 years old and still going strong.  My advice is to purchase the smoker that you can afford in a size that meets your current and future needs and ignore the steel grade.
Thanks Old Sarge, probably sound advice.  When I research something I tend to pick the fly shit out of the pepper.  With that said, there is a difference in quality and cost between 201 and 304; however, maybe in this case it's just not that relevant.  These smokers are ran at fairly low temps and they're not left out in the elements, rain etc. 

How long have you had your 3D? 
Six or seven years. I wipe down the outside once in a great while and keep it under the Smokin-it cover when not in use. As for the interior, I just use a hand brush to remove anything flaking off. Only time I have had to do a thorough clean on either of my smokers was when a mouse got in through the grease drain hole and set up housekeeping.  Used easy off, stripped it down, white vinegar, then re-seasoned.  A large bolt to plug the hole (remove when smoking) and all is well.