2nd Attempt at Cheese with the Bella


Here is my most recent attempt at cold smoking cheese with the Bella on a Model 3.

In previous attempts I have struggled with temperature and moisture in the box.
There were similar struggles in this attempt.

Temperature outside was around 50 degrees.
SI Model 3
Bella smoke generator
Traeger Apple pellets

For this smoke I filled the drip pan with ice and wrapped it tightly in foil.  I placed the pan on the bottom rack directly over the Bella pipe.  The cheese went on the second rack from the top.
I started with the door closed and the air pump on a medium setting.  I soon realized that the internal temp of the box was getting too warm ~80.  I opened the door to vent the heat.  I ended up leaving the door partially open for the remainder of the smoke.  I also cranked the air pump up to max due to the door being partially open.  I still ended up opening the door and venting the heat from time to time.  Total smoke time ended up being around 3 hours.
There was still enough condensation in the box that it was dripping from the drain hole at the bottom.  There was condensation on the blocks of cheese and all over the ice pan.
The cheese ended up with good color.  It is resting in the fridge and waiting to be vacuum sealed and put in the fridge drawer for a couple months.

Lessons learned:

Cold smoke on a colder day.

Let the cheese come up to room temp before putting it in the smoker.  I pretty much took it straight from the fridge to the smoker.  I'm sure that contributed to the condensation on the cheese.

Plan on leaving the door partially open for a cold smoke. 

I also tried to smoke some table salt.  The salt was in a small pan next to the ice.  The condensation dripped off of the cheese above and into the salt pan.  That part was a failure.

It's supposed to be in the 30s for a couple days.  I think I will give it another go real soon.



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I have not yet smoked cheese with my Bella, but have had success cold smoking cured Salmon with it. Here are some things about it I have found. Cold smoking on a cold day when the inside of the smoker is cold will cause condensation as the temp climbs to your cold smoke temp of 70ish. I have found that warming the smoker to close to your smoking temp before adding product reduces the chances of condensation. I just turn on the element and get the box temp up into the 60’s. Adding ice is a sure way of getting condensation. As the ice melts it will condensate regardless of how well it is wrapped. I always let the product warm up to room temperature as that is another source of condensation if it is cold. Also, the higher the setting on your air pump the more heat is generated. After getting the Bella started on high, I turn it down below half speed. It still generates plenty of smoke without generating excessive heat. I hope some of this helps. Good luck!
Dave, thanks for pointing that out. I use half pellets and half chips as well. I didn’t think about it keeping temperature down, I did it because I’m not a fan of pellets.
