2d smoker and wanna smoke this pork loin rib rack.


New member
want to smoke this within the next couple days, please give me suggestions, i have a 2D smoker and sugar maple, red oak, hickory and cherry wood,
can make up rub or sauce as suggested, thanks in advance, :)


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Hey Taps, brine the pork with Divotmaker's butt brine, use a mix of maple and cherry, 235 until IT is 160. Famous Dave's rub is great for pork but don't be shy to check out the site and make one of your own at home. You will love the results. Post pics and add a name an state to your signature line! Good luck.  :)
Thanks so much, do you know approx. how long it would be in the smoker? would like to plan it accordingly, lets say i would want it ready at 6pm?
i hope so, :)
just trying to get a time estimate here, i know it vary's but still wondering what I'm up against.
This is actually a tough smoke, Titus, because it has loin meat, and rib meat!  As you probably know, those both cook really differently.  Ribs are tougher, so you have the 5 hour slow cook going (to a higher meat temp), but a loin is a few hours to 145 internal temp.  So, the loin side will be overcooked when the rib side is done, or the ribs will be undercooked with the loin side is done! 

I've never seen/smoked this particular cut, so I'm just guessing.  Anyone have a different theory?  Ideas?  Titus needs IDEAS!! :D
I hope someone disagrees with you! :)
If that's the case then I could maybe smoke it for hour then drop it in my sous vide for a couple hours? Any ideas?
IMHO the roast will keep the rib portion from overcooking. I think it will turn out great to do it at 235 until you get an IT of about 150. But I am willing to be convinced otherwise....  :o
I think I'll have to give it a try, 235 degrees until IT is 150 with a water tray on the bottom it just might be tender enough once it's 150 IT.
Divot Maker pulls his at 145 I think. You could also try that and reverse sear and it will be tasty too. Let us know how it goes.
I think Bob has a good idea about the 150 temp.  You don't seem to have a lot of rib meat to deal with, so that may be a happy balance.
I would cook it to 140 followed by a reversed sear to brine it up to 145+. Let it rest slice.
Ok guys that was amazingly delicious!
brined it overnight, washed it, wiped it, and slathered it with mustard and rub.
Put it in on 235 degrees until it's 150 IT with 1.25oz Cherry and around that much sugar maple at 1pm
Checked it a couple times during the smoke, IT was gradually warming up so I didn't panic.
Around 5:30 PID was on the next step, 140 degrees for 4 hours, at 6PM I took it out, sauced it and put back in for about 20 min, had it set on 250, but it prob didn't make it past 205. Took it out and sampled it. It was awesome!

Things I will do different.
Next time start at 1:30 TO 2PM.
Will program IT to 145 because it was slightly well done.
Looking forward to preparing another cut like this, best loin I ever had by a long shot!



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Good job, Titus!  One thing I would do different is the 140 "hold" step you had programmed.  You mentioned that was overdone...that's what did it.  Even though you stepped the temp down to 140, I guarantee that box stayed well-above 200 for the next hour or more.  These boxes are well-insulated, and don't cool very quick.  Next time, be there when it hits 145, and take the meat out.  Leave the box open, to cool, if you plan to put the meat back in to hold at 140.  In this case, you could have increased the temp to 250 then, sauced the meat, and gave it that extra 20 minutes.  Just my Monday morning evening quarterbacking! ;)