22 lb Turkey in a #2? You Bet!!


New member
I'm real new with this #2 - did a pork loin and some ABT's.  But, I had this 22lb turkey.  On the forum I learned a 10-12lb was about all you could do in #2.  After some thought, we cut it in half and put each half on a rack.  250 degrees, shooting for 165 IT, and checked it at 5.5 hours . . . 168 IT!!  We had brined it and then marinaded and used hickory wood.  It cooked faster than I thought (because it was halved) and was glad I checked when it did!  I was very moist and way good!
Steve, you can certainly smoke a 22 lb bird - halved - in the #2!  It's like 2 11 lb chunks!  What you are missing is that you would never want to smoke a whole 22 lb bird, even if it fits.  It is not safe to do a bird that large, due to it remaining in the "danger zone" (40-140°) way too long.  You certainly don't want to send your dinner guests to the hospital!  No bigger than about 14 lbs, for a whole bird.

A halved bird is great!
You know, Divotmaker, I'm afraid the whole "danger zone" issue hadn't entered my mind!  I really thank you for bringing that to my attention!  We have always done large birds in our Masterbuilt bullets, usually two at a time.  But, this is just another of the new things I'm learning about SI smokers - and guidance you guys are providing the new kid on the block is much appreciated.  Oh, yesterday we smoked about a dozen large jalapenos at 250 for 2 1/2 hours with hickory.  My wife puts them in the food processor with some olive oil and spins 'em up into a really hot, smokey chipotle sauce.  Be sure to slightly slit the tip of each pepper prior to smoking.  Thanks again!
You bet, Steve!  The advice of 14 lbs or less is pretty universal, in the smoking world...not just unique to SIs.  Jeff Phillips is really adamant about it.  Sounds like you've been lucky before.  No sense taking a chance.  Easier to just smoke 2, if you need 20+ lbs of meat!  Bet the peppers were great!