22 hours and stalled at 190 IT?


New member
This is my first smoke in my #2. I brimed my 8.5 pound pork shoulder for eight hours, mustard and dry rubbed, wrapped in plastic wrap for another 2 hours. I put the shoulder on at 9pm last night with 3oz of hickory and 3oz of cherry. I added a bread pan 3/4 filled with apple juice and set the temp to 225F. According to the Maverick ET-733, the #2 is bouncing between 210-235, but my IT has stalled at 190 for the past 90 minutes. I am almost 22 1/2 hours into this smoke. I am resisting the temptation to crank up the heat, but the smell is making me drool.
Chip, your temp swings are normal, and it looks like you're in a "secondary" stall...it happens sometimes.  It won't last as long as the first one.  Go ahead and crank the temp to 240, and pull it out at 195 IT.  Shouldn't take long now.  Remember to double-wrap in foil and let rest for a minimum of 30 minutes, but 1-2 hours is best.

I usually use 235 for butts with no problems.  225 takes too long. 

Wow my last 10lb. butt I was really concerned when it took 18 hours to come to temp. The norm in my #2 is around 14 hours or so....

But each cut is different, so make sure to cook by temp and not time. If you run into a situation when you need to finish the butt faster, wrap in foil and crank up the heat (Texas Style) until you get the finish temp you are looking at.

It finally hit 196 at 22 3/4 hours.During the rest it rose to 202 and is now down to 192. It is going to be a late dinner, but hopefully worth the wait.
Looks great!  I see you're set up with the bear paws, too!  235 is a great temp - no difference in the results, except less time!  Your butts should average around that 1-1.5 hrs per pound.