20.4 lb turkey...smoke whole or in pieces?


I was gifted a 20.4lb frozen turkey today! :-)
I've been meaning to smoke a turkey, but just haven't done one yet. This seems to be much larger than I see others posting. Should I smoke it whole or cut it up into chunks or ?  If chunks, how should it be cut up?
If it stays whole I'm going to need a much bigger brining container :-)



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My recommendation is to take it to your store meat department. They will put it on the bandsaw and cut it in half.
I would spatchcock it, then cut in half. I will always remember Tony saying not to go over 14# for safety! 
I think you can get though the breast bone with a good chef's knife and a mallot or hammer. Remove the back bone first with a sharp knife or kitchen shears by cutting along both sides. Save this for stock. Then place your knife on the inside of the turkey against the widest part of the breast bone toward the neck, and either pound with your hand or chop with a cleaver, or use a mallot or hammer, and "score" through the bone. Then try to "flatten" and break the breast by pushing on the two sides. Continue to cut through with a knife. The breast bone is much softer than beef bones, and should be able to be split without major saws. The point is... to spatchcock it, and place each half on it's own rack. However you get there, getting 2 halves, if you need to go all caveman on it, is fine.