2 Starting times


New member
I'm smoking a spiral ham and 2-4 chuck roast. From what I can determine the Ham will take around 10 hrs. And the chuck roast around 6 -8. Would it be appropriate to start the ham with cherry wood then 4hrs or so hrs later put hickory in for the chuck roast if not what do you suggest.
You'll have much better success if you do them as separate smokes.  Adding wood, in the middle of the smoke, doesn't work well, and is dangerous.  Since the element is a a maintenance level, it doesn't get hot enough to get new wood smoking very well (like when you start from cold).  Plus, these are two dissimilar types of smokes, so separate is best.

+1 Do them separarate and then reheat. I think I would smoke the ham first and then reheat in a crock pot with about  1/2 to 1 cup of apple juice and then smoke the chucks to finish by meal time.