#2 Harbor Freight Cart Setup


New member
My # 2 sitting in the garage kitchen at my SE Ohio deer camp. Harbor freight cart with nine 15 quart totes underneath from Lowe's . 7 have Smokinlicious wood in them (3/4" hole in each end for circulation)  One tote is for spices and one for utensils including bbq gloves, digital scale,Maverick and Smokinit accessories . Added 4 stainless washers under each leg This allowed mounting a 16 inch wide piece of 1/4 inch STARBOARD for a cutting board. Washer shims raise the smoker enough for the drip pan to clear the cutting board.Not shown is a 16" magnetic knife bar on the right hand side that holds knives and other implements. Added two stainless cabinet knobs to hang my pig tail flippers.


Note all the bucks on the wall in the background.


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As a long time bowhunter of deer, I am most impressed with your SE Ohio deer camp!!! The rest of your set up is very nice also and very well organized. My wife would pressure me if she saw this :)
Just left the deer camp after meat in the smoker at 9:00 p.m.
8.8 lb. Boston Butt  at 225 with 6 oz wood. 80% cherry and 20% Hickory. This is the maiden voyage for the #2. Brined with DM brine but only for 9 hours.(bad planning)  Will go back to camp early a.m. to check on things
13 hours to get to 175. Double wrapped in a cooler under some towels. It rested till the football game ( 5 hours) temp had dropped to 144.. popped in the oven still wrapped at 250 until temp came back to 165. (halftime) Unwrapped and served. Fantastic. My buddies loved it. What is a good store bought Carolina dipping sauce ?Would like to try store bought before making my own to see if the time is worth the effort.


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